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This past Wednesday our card shop held Game Day, a type of convention where we take all the different CCG’s that we have and hold tons of side-events and trading for to support them. In addition, we usually have a few people from each game bring demo decks down for people to practice and learn the game.
What’s really fun about this idea is it gives people a chance to play different games they normally wouldn’t. A good example is Vince, the top notch Yu-Gi-Oh! Player around here. He knows how to play a bunch of other games, but rarely gets a chance to play them since it’s a good amount of time to drive down. That in mind, he usually shows up just on Yu-Gi-Oh! Days.
In magic, there a small mini-draft type event called pack wars. It inexpensive, but the prizes for winning can be real good depending on how many people play, in this case, with only four, we had two good rares and a Skullclamp, easily a $5 uncommon up for grabs. Vince ended up taking second, nearly missing out.
We were also able to get our first sanctioned tournament for Duel Masters, at eleven people. It sounds fairly unimpressive, but it’s boosts like this that keep a game going.
From now on we made a pact to put game day on the day of the week we play the game that rakes in the least amount of people, that way we can support the game there, and still let other people play what’s good to them. So to all the people that say Duel Masters isn’t taking off, suggest this game day type event to the stores you play at, it usually generates quite a bit of cash flow to the shops since so much stuff is going on. Now, I know what you’re thinking…
“Hold on a sec hydro, I thought you were doing a deck analysis.”
Yeah, I am. But I have to set the scene first. See, if things are going bad in one section, you gotta support it. For the people that play the game, you have to have a stable amount of people that will show up pretty much every week you have the tourneys, unless the got something big going on and given day. This allows each new player time, so that they’re more likely to stay in the game longer if they see a stable amount of people coming. It gives them faith in the metagame that this is a good investment. And with those new players coming every week, the cycle fuels itself.
This deck is all about setting up stability. Defending yourself with a mass of blockers, each new addition strengthening your ability to defend, until you unleash on your opponent.
Right now, the big deck around here is still Domain, a four color control deck bent on disruption. This is the deck to beat from last set. You’ll hear the phrase “deck to beat” a lot as the game evolves, as the term usually refers to the best tier 1 deck out there, by popular opinion or the one that is played most often.
To beat control, you have to be able
to evolve and swing quite a bit. And
there are a few in here that let you
do it. Without further ado, I present
That’s right folks, 40 cards. No more, no less. Now, I maybe be metagaming a little here, but there’s been a slew of creature based deck coming out in the rush, mostly with beast folk and humans. Blockers slow down an agro deck by a lot, and all of these creature can attack creature in addition to blocking them if need be.
Four Holy Awe is a must right now for creature based decks, especially with aggressive ones on the rampage. Diamond Cutter is the new trump spell Light got, letting all your formerly creature-combat-only dudes swing to the shields. Solar Ray is in there for good measure, not just to stop additional attacks, but as a pinpoint removal spell.
The Solar Ray creature, like Miele, Vizier of Lighting and Fonch, the Oracle just don’t have what it takes to make the cut. Light’s version of Aqua Hulcus does though, as the come into ply cantrip is just too good to pass up. It costs one more, but can also provide a stable attacker to poke through vs. control or to threaten creature based decks.
Then you have the blockade itself, all Guardians for your evolving pleasure. La Ura Giga, Sky Guardian is for early game, but you’ll usually find yourself holding it and waiting to summon it, followed by and evolution creature. Dia Nork, Moonlight Guardian and Szubs Kin, Twilight Guardian give you some stable fat at 5000 and 6000 respectively, with Gran Gure pulling it’s rear end to block next to anything.
Phal Eega, Dawn Guardian gets a nod for it’s ability to revive a Diamond Cutter or Holy Awe when you need it, which cuts it in over some of the earlier blockers like Emerald Grass. While 3000 for 2 seems perfect at fending off little guys, La Ura Giga seems to get the job done just fine.
The evolution creature are good indeed. Larba Geer may be one of the most underrated cards right now. It pretty much guarantees any attacking creature you have will swing through this turn. That, or a whack at taking out your opponent’s armada of blockers. At 5000 power to, it’s nothing to take too lightly either.
Ladia Bale, the Inspirational is what pulls your formerly abysmal game versus Domain or other control deck together. A double breaker that can attack right away is sick. That fact it only costs 6 is better, and add in the La Ura Giga potential to play it all on one turn for only 7, and you got a pretty good deal. Four still isn’t fully necessary in my opinion, but if your metagame is heavy control, go for it, more power to ya.
Oh yeah, and it’s a blocker just in case. Evolution creature is your entire game versus control as the haste factor will allow you to punch through. Running 40 cards may seem dangerous, but you should manage, as there’s little else to add to give you more game against it.
And you also got a chance to pick the next article for next week. Since I’ve been somewhat slacking as of late, you now get a chance to pick the deck I’ll review next and show you what I think my best build is for it. Email or AIM me with your choice:
-Seas: Water-based EVO deck -Suicide Black: Darkness-based EVO deck -Red Dawn: Fire-based EVO deck -Beasts: Nature-based EVO deck
Voting begins now, good luck, and may you crushinate your opponents…
Email: Kian1602@hotmail.com
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