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Strategy and Gameplay:
Aggro in the ‘05 Metagame – Mono-Fire
February 21, 2005
By JMatthew
Mono-Fire attracts many players immediately upon their
inception to Duel Master’s. Is it due to the pyromaniac
found deep inside nearly every adolescent boy? Hopefully
not. Perhaps it’s thanks to Fire civilization’s lightening
fast creatures and enormous (and just plain cool) Dragons.
Wait! Not just Dragons,
Armored Dragons! As if the concept of a dragon wasn’t scary
enough, now Duel Master’s got them wearing the armor of the
knights the Dragons once consumed!
Fortunately for these new players, Fire civilization’s first
impression is well deserved. However, each player seems to
make the same mistakes upon building those early decks.
Let’s see if we can formulate a solid build.
Fire is both the quickest and the strongest (in relation to
Power) civilization in the game of Duel Masters. Often, Fire
creatures can slam into your opponents shields before they
have a chance to set up a viable defense. If they do present
a defense, then you can always hope to bust your way through
that defense with the most powerful creatures in the game.
In addition, Fire has creature kill and more of it is
available than nearly from any other civilization.
Fire’s quick and deadly creatures can often be countered by
Light, Water and, sometimes Darkness each of which possess
cheap and effective blockers. These blockers can quickly put
a halt on your assault. Fire’s large and in charge creatures
have issues of their own when it comes to casting cost. With
no mana acceleration, no protective creatures, and few
defensive spells it’s difficult to nearly impossible to
field these creatures. Lastly, while Fire does have a good
deal of creature kill, there is always a cruel disadvantage
to playing these creatures and spells, which make them not
entirely ideal.
Basic Build
20x Three Casting Cost or Less Creatures
While Fire does hold the record for the most powerful
creatures in the game of Duel Masters, focusing on those
creatures is often a mistake of many players. You should
keep majority of a mono-fire deck primed toward small, cheap
creatures so you can consistently begin your game quick and
deadly. Your objective should be to hit them fast and hard –
eliminate your opponent before they can even get of the
starting line.
Examples: Deadly Fighter Braid Claw, Mini Titan Gett, and
Brawler Zyler.
8x Support Fatties
Sometimes the game will go on longer then you will normally
want it to despite all the fast and deadly Fire weenies you
can play. When that happens you will find yourself with a
need to drop some heavy firepower. This is why I call these
guys “support” fatties.
Support fatties should only be in the deck to be used in
case your smaller creatures come across a situation they
can’t handle. Ideally, you will avoid playing most of your
fatties two out of three games. Remember though, for the
most part, you will want to drop two or three smaller
creatures rather than that heavy 6 to 7 casting cost fatty.
This presents more targets for your opponent to deal with.
His Death Smoke is just as powerful against your Deadly
Fighter Braid Claw as it is against your Billion-Degree
Examples: Bolshack Dragon, Twin Cannon Skyterror, and
Armored Blaster Valdios.
12x Creature Kill
Darkness has the best creature kill in the game – with out a
doubt. This doesn’t mean that you should scoff at the
creature kill offered up by Fire. However, you will be
forced to change your strategy with Fire creature kill.
Unlike with Darkness creature kill, where you can (and often
will) use them to defend yourself, Fire creature kill must
be used offensively.
This is due to the way Fire creature control works. Nearly
each Fire creature control cards possesses one of two
disadvantages (and in some cases both): limited kill
condition (the opposing creature’s power can not exceed and
certain number) or the sacrificing of a shield. Because of
this you will need to use your creature kill to beat back
your opponents early creatures. Limited kill condition means
if the game goes on long they may drop creature bigger than
you can handle which will allow your opponent to dominate
the board. As for the loss of shields, it is important that
you use these cards to prevent your opponent from holding a
presence on the board. If you use these cards defensively,
then it mean they already have a presence on the board and
the loss of one of your shield versus the loss of a creature
or two on your opponents are part will not hurt them much.
In fact, if it’s your last shield you could be in some real
As a note, a common misconception amongst many Duel Masters
players says you can’t play spells that require you to
remove a shield (such as Volcanic Arrows) if you don’t have
any shields. According to WOTC’s rulings this is absolutely
incorrect. If you play one of the spells and can’t rid
yourself of a shield then the spell still successfully goes
off and you simply get that part of the cost for free!
Examples: Searing Wave, Volcanic Arrows, and Rothus, the
Sample Decks
The budget practice deck provided here keeps right in line
with the formula I have provided above without exception.
I’ve designed this deck as one that you can practice against
without breaking the pocket book. If you can’t beat this
deck, then you will be in big trouble against a primed deck
with some money put into it. This will mean, back to the
drawing board for you.
The sample, primed deck is for those who are interested in
running this deck for real. The deck provided follows pretty
close to the formula above, however it goes a little bit off
on it’s own. This deck is borrowed from “Knives101’s Secret
Weapons Lab” article from December 13, 2004 with the
original structure provided to Knives101 by Synon. If you
have yet to check out “Knives101’s Secret Weapons Lab” then
you definitely should take some time to do so. I’ve made a
change based upon an additional recommendation by Knives101
and added Armored Blaster Valdios to the deck. The only
place I take issue with this deck is in the case of Rumble
Gate. Personally, I would prefer to trade it out for another
creature kill card.
Feel free to experiment around with these decks and come up
with your own build. This is merely supposed to be a place
to start, not an end unto itself.
Budget Practice Deck:
4x Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
4x Brawler Zyler
4x Mini-Titan Gett
4x Immortal Baron Vorg
4x Explosive Dude Joe
4x Ruthless Skyterror
2x Bolgash Dragon
2x Explosive Fighter Ucarn
4x Searing Wave
4x Crimsom Hammer
4x Volcanic Arrows
Sample Primed Deck:
4x Deadly Fire Braid Claw
4x Baby Zoppe
4x Brawler Zyler
4x Mini-Titan Gett
4x Snip Striker Bullraizer
4x Onslaught Triceps
4x Armored Blaster Valdios
4x Rothus, the Traveler
4x Searing Wave
4x Rumble Gate
Over the next few weeks I will continue to explore Agrro
Decks in the ’05 Metagame. You can expect us to explore
Mono-Nature, Fire/Darkness and Fire/Nature. If there is one
of these you would prefer me to write about sooner than
later, please feel free to leave me feedback. Also, please
feel free to write me as I will base your response on
whether I move on into Control Decks and then Agrro/Control.
So, let me know and in the meantime, enjoy!