My top ten list in my deck - - -A Star




    Hellooooo viewers this is my top ten list in my deck.


My deck is sort of a nature fire lowbudget deck. Im looking forward to expanding my deck but these are my top ten cards:


# 10 FIrst of theres aura blast. Its a good spell card to help power up my weak monsters and make my big monsters huge.


# 9 burning power. Its kind of a little aura blast for one cost its a kick hit!


# 8Forest hornet. its alittle slow and wekk i run three and sometimes use them for cheep mana.


# 7Crimson Hammer. a cheep,quick,and effecient early game monster removal.

useful for an early lead.


# 6 Tornado flame. an even card removal and a shiel trigger too.


# 5 explosive fighter ucarn. This card would be way better if you didnt discard 2 mana. This will hurt you if used early in the game.


# 4 Tri-horn Shepherd. solid five mana 5000 easy to find card.


# 3 Ruthus the traveler. great card come in the starter deck. lol useful for som situations.


# 2 Bronze arm tribe. great little critters just waiting to fetch you more mana early in the game.


# 1 Finally my best card.Roaring Great -Horn. Takes some mana but as a prize you get and 8000 power attacker who is also a doublebreaker. Just beautiful


My name is Andrew and if you got questions flames or anything email me at