TOP 10 LIST – Rebellee1187


It's been several months since I wrote my last Top 10 list for  Back in those days I was sitting there thinking bounce was godly, and that Bolshack Dragon was pwnage in its truest form.  Now, Four months and two sets later, my review of this game has changed a bit.  So here is my new and improved top 10 list!!


10.    Death Smoke:  This one has lost several spaces on my countdown since my last review, mostly due to the fact that evolution creatures can’t be targeted by it.  Still, for four mana, this is a GREAT drop.


  1. Spiral Gate:  Cheap, shield trigger, and able to slow your opponent down.  Good times.


  1. Corile:  Five mana is a decent amount for a creature with 2000 strength, but Coriles effect OWNS evolution creatures.  Especially if your opponent is topdecking.


  1. Barkwhip the Smasher:  Let the record show that I HATE this card.  He is bordering on broken, and if you have two or more of these on the field at the same time, they ARE broken


  1. Crystal Memory:  This card doesn’t see much play, and I don’t know why.  For four mana, you search your ANY card.  It’s also a shield trigger, which is NEVER a bad thing.


  1. Aqua Hulcus:  3 mana.  Draw a card, a creature with 2000 strength.  ‘Nuff said.


  1. Brain Serum:  More card drawing, four for two is reasonable, and they are free if this is shield triggered.


  1. Snake Attack:  Pwnage if used at the right time.  It can hurt your opponent really badly, especially if you have a whole slew of creatures waiting.


  1. Terror Pit:  Pay Six mana to kill one creature on the field, regardless of it’s being tapped or not.  Kill ANYTHING.  Big Evolution creature bothering you?  Dead.  Don’t like that Bolzard Dragon?  Dead.  Being a shield trigger is only icing on the cake for this awesome card.  What could possibly be better than this?


1.   This card has ALWAYS been my personal favorite, and I still think it is the single most versatile card in the game.  It        can be used offensively and defensively.  On offense, you can use it to tap their creatures so you can attack them, or it can be used to tap any blockers they might have, so you can go straight for the shields.  Defensively, its shield trigger ability will stop all of your opponent’s next attacks for that turn (Unless it is broken by the last attack).  Holy Awe is godly, and it is still my Number one.


So, there you have it.  My new and improved top 10 list.  Maybe once I playtest the new set a bit, I’ll send in a list from it.  Anyways, in the event you want to reach me, E-mail me at  I’m open to ideas, your comments, and your rants. 


Till next time, see ya!