Top Ten List

Best Cards in Today's Environment

By: Adam Trunzo



            My Top Ten list is about what I believe to be the Top Ten cards in the current tournament scene, which only includes the Base Set.


10.) Deadly Fighter Braid Claw

            I truly believe this is one of the better commons. First of all, it's a one-Mana Fire creature with 1000 attack. Essentially, you can attack turn two with this guy and break one of your opponent's shields. Of course, if your opponent managed to drop a cheap Blocker, then that is not good. Deadly Fighter Braid Claw's text says that it has to attack every turn. Even with that I think that this card deserved my number ten spot.


9.) Marine Flower/La Ura Giga, Sky Guardian

            Awesome Blockers; there is just no other way of putting it. On your first turn you can drop either one of these Blockers and be safe for at least three turns. And, in the late game, these Blockers can serve as "chump Blockers'' and buy you a turn as they block a beefy creature from your opponent. Having a one-Mana cost and being Blockers caused Marine Flower/La Ura Giga, Sky Guardian to fall into my number nine spot.


8.) Spiral Gate

            This is probably one of my most favorite cards in the set. Not only does Spiral Gate cost a measly two-Mana, but it is also a Shield Trigger! Sure, it only bounces one creature in the playing field--which opens up to a lot of combos--but in the early game this card is devestating. You could keep bouncing a cheap Blocker back to your opponent's hand while you attack with your own cheap attacking creatures. Bouncing is a very powerful ability, and that is what gave Spiral Gate my number eight spot.


7.) Deathblade Beatle

            What an awesome Nature creature. It costs only five-Mana and it's a Double Breaker with Power Attacker +4000. That means whenever it attacks it becomes a 7000, Double-Breaker creature. And, since it is a Nature card, everyone knows that Nature excels in Mana acceleration, so Deathblade Beatle could be played on turn four. The sheer power and speed of this card earned it my number seven spot.


6.) Crystal Memory

            Now here is THE search card for Duel Masters. Crystal Memory is a Shield Trigger that allows you to search your deck for ANY card and put it into your hand. Did I mention you get to search for ANY card? You could grab that late-game Holy Awe or that much needed Terror Pit to destroy one of your opponent's beefy creatures. Search is good, and being able to search for ANY card gave Crystal Memory my number six spot.


5.) Brain Serum

            Like Crystal Memory, search is good. Brain Serum allows you to draw up to two cards. Essentially you are merely adding cards to your hand, but that broadens your options while playing a game of Duel Masters and could give you an advantage. You could easily pull Brain Serum as a shield and play it--since it is a Shield Trigger--and have a larger card advantage than your opponent. Drawing cards is very, very good, and that caused Brain Serum to earn my number five spot.


4.) Bolshack Dragon

            This is my favorite card in the whole entire set. It is a Fire creature, six-Mana, 6000 Attack creature with Double Breaker and gets +1000 while attacking for each Fire card in your own Graveyard. How is that not awesome? Essentially, Bolshack Dragon could become the highest attacking creature in the late game if you are playing a Mono-Fire deck, and that alone is devastating and powerful. Even without the unique power, Bolshack Dragon would have still made it onto my Top Ten list. Bolshack Dragon's all-around awesome-ness earned it my number four spot.


3.) King Depthcon

            Now here is a card to fear. A seven-Mana Water creature with 6000 Attack creature that has Double Breaker and is unblockable; Now that is absolutely fantastic. If you drop King Depthcon late game, then you can smile as you watch your opponent squirm and ponder on how to get rid of the new threat. You are more than likely guaranteed a free hit with King Depthcon, so I think it is worth it. An unblockable Double-Breaker is truly a force to reckon with, and that gave King Depthon my number three spot.


2.) Terror Pit

            Here is probably the single best form of creature removal in the game; Other notables are, of course, Death Smoke and Natural Snare. But I feel they just do not compete with Terror Pit. It is a six-Mana, Black Spell Shield Trigger that destroys one of your opponent's creatures, no strings attached. How awesome is that? Imagine drawing this from your shields and playing it to destroy that pesky King Depthcon your opponent had just played the previous turn. Destroying ANY one creature with no strings attached is extremely powerful, and that power gave Terror Pit my number two spot.


1.) Holy Awe

            Here it is: Holy Awe. I strongly, strongly believe that Holy Awe IS the single best card in Duel Masters right now. It's a Light Spell that costs only six-Mana, but is a Shield Trigger, and it taps every one of your opponent's creatures; EVERY one! If you have six attacking creatures on the field and you play Holy Awe, you win the game. This card is also defensive, like if your opponent rushes you with creatures and your first shield is Holy Awe, then you can play it and tap all of your opponent's creatures, which stops them from attacking. So this card is not only extremely offensive, but can serve as a surprise defensive tactic if you need it. Being able to tap ALL of your opponent's creatures gave Holy Awe my number one spot.