Leader of the Pack

Lee Sandow

Galactic Quest Comics

Lawrenceville, GA



I can’t really think of anything witty to say here this week, so I’m just going to get straight to the point.  I had no headaque this week, which was nice, and Justin had been nice enough to hold onto the deck I left behind for me for today.  So I didn’t lose all my cards!  Yay!  The first Saturday of every month is now a draft tournament at Galactic Quest, so today we decided to have a sealed pack challenge using a combination of Shadowclash and Rampage of the Super Warriors.




Sealed Pack draft format, each player receives 4 Shadowclash packs and 1 Rampage of the Super Warriors pack.  Each deck must be at least 30 cards; using only the cards you pull from the packs.  Each round is best two out of three, swiss scoring system.  You have thirty minutes to construct your deck.  Each round lasts thirty minutes.  The usual.




My packs were loaded with non-holographic sweetness.  I managed to pull another mega detonator (I want to marry that card), and also got Snake Attack AND Searing Wave.  My rampage pack was SO nice to me (that is the LAST time you’ll ever hear me say that).  My only foil was ANOTHER Nofia, which once again, I was unable to use (that’s two drafts in a row now).  I managed to pull a few blockers, which was a real treat this week. 



Leader of the Pack (35 Cards)



2x Kolon the Oracle

1x Saurius, Vizier of Suppression

1x Amber Grass

1x Gulan Rias, Speed Guardian

1x Mist Rias, Sonic Guardian

1x Sundrop Armor

1x Aqua Guard

1x Keeper of the Sunlit Abyss

1x Smile Angler (yay!)

1x Emeral

1x Aqua Jolter

1x Gregorian Worm

1x Snake Attack

1x Soul Gulp

2x Purple Piercer

1x Gregoria, Princess of War

1x Locomotiver

1x Volcano Smog, Deceptive Shade

1x Gigabolver (eat that, Kolon!)

2x Pippie Kuppie

2x Missile Boy

1x Sword of Malevolent Death

1x Snip Striker Bullraizer

1x Mega Detonator (Will you marry me?)

1x Searing Wave (If Mega Detonator says no, I’ll ask to marry this)

2x Cannon Shell

1x Dew Mushroom

1x Ancient Giant

1x Exploding Cactus

1x Torcon

All your base set are belong to us!




Break my opponent’s 5 shields and attack directly before they attack me.  Try to get many double breakers, and pray to god for Kolon to appear at the right time.  Don’t lose.  That was my strategy.  REALLY BASIC this week.


FIRST ROUND:  LEE vs. Justin

Justin had been sitting across from me as we built our decks, so he and I both knew what to expect from each other.  He said I had the better pull, and after dueling him… I agreed. 


DUEL ONE:  We both summoned creatures, and killed them, but on turn five he had four shields left.  I had three attackers, so I used Snake Attack to make them all double breakers.  I destroyed him in one turn.  He wasn’t happy.  1-0

DUEL TWO:  One word:  INTENSE.  I managed to amass four creatures on the field, and played Mega Detonator that turn to make two of them double breakers.  My first three attacks destroyed all his shields, but his last shield ended up being Volcanic Arrows, which saved him.  Then, he dropped a Searing Wave on me to destroy ALL my creatures.  The turn after that, he dropped Snake Attack on his three creatures (I had four shields left).  He broke all my shields, but I managed to shield trigger Kolon the Oracle to stop his last attack.  I attacked him directly on my turn for the win. 2-0


Justin was upset (in a sarcastic sort of way), cause I had now “shattered his self-esteem for the whole tournament”.  Time for the next round!


SECOND ROUND:  LEE vs. Matt #2


It’s not a tournament if I don’t have to face this guy at least once.  This week he had pulled some good stuff in his packs, but wasn’t able to use the best of it (poor Alcadeias).  You owe me that Alcadeias, Matt! 


DUEL ONE:  Nuthin to say about this match.  I pecked at his shields throughout the game, and ended with the Snake Attack bomb.  3-0

DUEL TWO:  I summoned two Cannon Shells at 6000 power.  I killed every monster he summoned, and the only shield he managed to break turned out to be Kolon (ouch >_<).  He kept forgetting to set Water mana, which would have allowed him to prolong his life by playing some Aqua Guards. 4-0


Tough luck Matt.  Brush up on your skills for Civilizations!  Actually, Matt, just brush up period.


THIRD ROUND:  LEE vs. Robert


Robert was the power of the sealed pack incarnate.  Robert had learned to play twenty minutes before the tournament began, and he was undefeated on this point.  I was suitably impressed, but his beginners luck had to run out sometime!


DUEL ONE:  I had no real trouble in this duel, so I just broke his shields as quickly as I could and was done with it.  5-0

DUEL TWO: I made a giant shield rush to kill him in one turn, and he got A LOT of shield trigger creatures to add to his field.  Fortunately, none of them were Kolons (That card was giving me bad dreams ^_^*) so he was never able to use those creatures.  6-0


I was in the lead for points on this point (pun intended), so I only had to win one game next round to win the tournament.  Wish me luck guys!


FOURTH ROUND:  LEE vs. Arch Rival Austin


It’s go time.  I was NOT going to lose to Austin cause I’d NEVER hear the end of it (my pride wouldn’t allow it, either).  Austin was in a pessimistic mood, and had practically already given up.  You can’t win with that attitude Austin!  You can’t be concertmaster either.

ROUND ONE:  His mana curve (and he himself), were insane.  He only had a few cards that cost less than four mana, and those that he did manage to summon met my Searing Wave.  This duel got ugly in the end when he summoned Trox AND Photocide (I’ll admit, my pulse was up).  Fortunately, my small creatures managed to beat him to death first.  7-0

ROUND TWO:  I won on the sixth turn with a LOT of cheap attackers.  Austin never had a chance.  8-0






As I said before, I was undefeated all day!  I got 4 Shadowclash packs as prize support, and pulled Deboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast and Astral Warper (he is a SEXY card).  Since this event was sanctioned, I probably also got some good ranking points.  That’s always nice.  I also got the privilege of owning all my chief rivals in battle, which is always nice too.






AWESOME draft packs

Pretty Good Prize Packs

Mega Detonator said ‘Yes’!

Good sportsmanship by all my opponents



The Cheese Kid (long story, e-mail me if you really want to know)



Lee = 1337 Pwnage.  That’s all there is to it.  I’m going to go the local Duel Masters Civilizations tournament next week (T&T Toys, incase you were wondering).  I’ll be sure to tell you all about it!  Till then, if you want to contact me for any DM related reason, just use my e-mail address below, or contact me on AIM. 


Lee Sandow


AIM ID:  Skywalker1187




Kolon, the Oracle

Cost:  4

Civilization:  Light

Card Type:  Creature
Creature Class:  Light Bringer

Power: 1000

Mana Generated: 1

Rarity:  Common

Card Number:  11/55


Constructed:  He’s OK here.  Four mana for 1000 power is simply bad, so his effect had better make up for it.  Unfortunately, we already HAVE a card with this ability (and this power), for cheaper.  Of course, I refer to Miele, Vizier of Whatever.  Miele also has the ability to evolve into a kinda-sorta-decent evolution, which is something this guy currently cannot do.  His weak attack power won’t win any battles (might draw occasionally, though).  Though the ability to tap a creature is nice, I suggest using Miele, Screaming Sunburst, or the all-powerful Holy Awe to do the job.  I love you to death Kolon, just not here.  2/5


Limited:  Creatures, no matter what their power is, are good in limited.  Shield Triggers are always nice in limited.  Potentially life-saving effects like this are great in limited.  To say it simply, this guy is GREAT in this format.  Unless you simply aren’t using light, you have NO reason not to run this card.  4.75/5