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The Crystals of Midnight Flames-Tournament of the 5 Civilizations Andrew Wang (Nimbly) Rainy Day Games Aloha, OR 97006 April 30, 2005 $10 entry- 23 players
Hey Pojo wanderers! It’s another 5 Civ in the record books, and I’m here to report it, because I have no life and have nothing else to do except stay in my room listening to Train and wonder what happened with my life…Or I’m just a nice guy…
Ok. We all know what happened to me at the last 5 Civ. Not the best tournament for me. Not even top 8, *cries hysterically*.
This tournament was different than the others. We actually had age brackets going, which in my opinion really sucks, but I’m not the type to go on and on about it.
I’ll give you the whole reason as to why. By 12, the start of the tourny, there were 6 people above the age of 15, the older age bracket. There needs to be 8 players to make an official tournament. Now, the store owner and my boss, who I’ll talk about later, and my co-worker, Jeremy, both entered. You know, Jeremy? The guy from the last Tourny report? No? Go look back then.
Anyway, both are easily over the age of 15, so that makes an 8 person 15+ bracket. Why does that suck so much? Well, when your store has more rounds in a normal everyday tournament than a bigger 5 Civ, then there isn’t that much more fun in the tournament. But that’s just me…
Well, I may as well set up the story for the tourny. I’ve been in a slump in the past couple of weeks. I haven’t been on my game at all. I think the last time I won was before Stomp came out, so something isn’t clicking. I’ve been getting annoyed with one deck. I mean, our meta has a strong green/blue set of players, and Mana Nexus really screws with my deck. Eh…
Anyway, nothing really happened prior to the tourny. Played some Pokemon games with people with my Water Deck and played my chance YGO deck, the coolest deck ever!!!
Here’s the deck I used for the tourny. I don’t know why I did, but I made some decently significant changes and one huge change. Let’s see if you can figure it out. Here it is:
I don’t know why I did what I did. Crystal Memory was a card I always saw this deck using, only red and black lack the search and destroy cards that all the others have. I used crystals over Holy awes since the awes don’t really seem to work at least 80% of the time. It’s always the last attacked shield or the card I top deck without enough mana. Crystal is at least a card I could possibly play… The deck went speed attacker crazy as well. It seemed as if those are the ticket to winning this tourny because a lot of the people can’t stop pyrofighters that well.
Well, the tournament will only be 3 rounds long cutting to top 4 when the other bracket is 4 rounds and top 8. Seriously…Duel Masters really doesn’t do a good job supporting their older players. I should do something.
Ok, the tournament is ready to go. The first round is starting and my journey to get a win again is underway…
Round 1- Nimbly vs. Steve E. –(Beast Folks, Shield Triggers) Oh, boy. It’s a great first round match for me. If you remember the last 5 Civ, I had to play his daughter. Now I play him. Once again, a no-win situation for me…
Game 1- I came out strong with my decent hand and his very poor hand. I got out some humans and speed attackers, you know, to hit shields and he had out some beast folks. No real evolutions though. Anyway, every shield I hit was a shield trigger, and a good one at that! It was close, but pyrofighter was a key in this game. Shields-(2-0)-Winner-Nimbly
Game 2- This game was also sort of like the first one, only we both had pretty bad hands. I had the crystal memories in the game to get me some pyrofighters when I needed them. This time, he was less able to get those good shields but he did get some nexus power, so that was annoying. By the end of the match, I had 4 potential speed attackers in my hand. He did come out with a barkwhip and that cut me down a bit, but the speed is too fast. Shields-(1-0)-Winner-Nimbly I got really lucky in those games. He got horrible hands both games and didn’t get to unleash the potential that the Beast Folks can, so that was a plus. The other bracket was just about ready to go when we finished our 1st round, so they’re still a long ways away from finishing. I’d write about it, but no one really cares, unless you do, and then I’m forced to fix this. For those who don’t know I’m kidding…I’m kidding.
Well, the next round is ready to start. I took a couple pictures, but none really that interesting to show. Here’s the next round:
Round 2- Nimbly vs. Robert H.-(Multi-civ deck with mana rebirth) Well, this is different. I remembered that he once had a crazy blocker deck, but I don’t know what he had now. I mean, it’s been months since I’ve seen him…
Game 1- This game wasn’t much. I came out strong with some humans and speed attackers. He kind of took it all in. He played a monster around 3rd turn, but by then, some of his shields were already gone. Finished all with some pyrofighter action. That’s really it. Period. Shields-(4-0)-Winner-Nimbly
Game 2- This game was slightly better. I had a bad hand with cards costing more than 3. He got out one of his ambush scorpions, the guy who can come back from the mana zone when the one on the field dies. Anyway, it really looked like the first match. Pyrofighters are the key to my deck and it seems to be working. Shields-(3-0)-Winner-Nimbly
That was a different match than what I was expecting. Now that I have 2 wins with only 1 more to go, then it’s a guaranteed spot for me and the top 4. The next round I could play without much worry, but…
Game 3- Nimbly vs. Tim W.-(Green/Blue - Beast Folk-Liquid People) Yea, Tim. You remember? The guy I said I was having trouble with beatin’ is him. As you can see, major wrestling fan. John Cena \_--_/
Game 1- This game was not that good for me. I had no hand again with the above 4 crap. He got out some beast folks early on and took some shields out. By the time I got out something decent and a couple pyrofighters in my hand, it was too late. I was one turn away from beating him, but he got out a Crystal Lancer and took it home. No shield triggers for me hurts too… Shields-(0-2)-Winner-Tim
Game 2- Better for me. I drew some faster stuff, and he didn’t get that much play. This time, I had wailings to save me from the fighter and lancer. I got out pyrofighters with the crystal memory, and just began assaulting. Came close too. If I waited 1 more turn, I would have been gone… Shields-(1-0)-Winner-Nimbly
Game 3- Very close. It’s always close between us. Anyway. He had an aqua guard, fighter and 2 hulcus on the field. I had 1 shield, no cards in my hand, and 2 blockers on the field. He has no shields. He draws one of the better cards he could, and that was crystal lancer. I try to psyche him out of not using it, because that shield could be anything! Anyway, it didn’t work after 5 minutes, so he evolves the guard. I needed a shield trigger more than ever. He hits the last shield and it’s a comet missile. Game right there. My next card was a pyrofighter, so if he didn’t evolve, I could have cometed the blocker and win next turn. Damn. Shields-(0-0)-Winner-Tim
Well, I still made top 4, so that’s cool. I’m still in contender ship of the plaque, so that’s always a great thing. The other tournament is just finishing their second round, so they still have a long way to go. Anyway, here’s the top 4 pair offs.
1- Tim------------| 4- Steve-----------|----_______------| |-----__________ 2- Andrew-------|----_______-------| 3- Jeremy-------|
You know, Jeremy? The judge. Yea, I gots to play him now. If you want a picture, go to the older 5 Civ report. I didn’t take one…
Top 4 Round 1- Nimbly vs. Jeremy M.-(Water bounce deck)
Game 1- Uh…seriously. This was a horrible game. I had no shield triggers at all while he was hitting them pretty frequently. I tried the speed attackers, but he had the blockage there to stop me. He got out a crystal paladin for the win. There isn’t much to say. It was just a beatdown. Shields-(0-3)-Winner-Jeremy
Game 2- Better for me. I came out strong with some braids and some humans to get the early shield age. Plus, he didn’t come out with the early blockade that he could have, so things were looking good. He had no significant shield triggers and I came out with some speed attackers with memories. He did hit shields, most shield triggers though, finally. This game was mine with a pyrofighter. Shields-(3-0)-Winner-nimbly
Game 3- Oh, how close this game really was. It really came down to luck. I had a good frontal attack, but he did also with the blockers. I took care of several of the blockers, but he got out the crystal paladins again and wiped out the monsters I had. The game came down to no shields for me with no shield triggers as well. I needed a blocker as he had exactly 1 attacker. I needed for him to get a blocker or for me to get something to kill his attacker or a blocker. I draw a comet missile and the game was over. Shields-(0-1)-Winner-Jeremy.
Well that’s it for me. The 5 Civ is over in 4 rounds, which is pretty pathetic. Anyway, the other bracket, Steve won with his deck working the way it’s supposed to. So it was Jeremy and Steve, the two players who actually work there, myself not included, are in the finals. Go figure.
Well. Jeremy and Steve were really cool about what happened, so they gave up their prizes, excluding the plaque, and divided it amongst the upper bracket. Normally, I would have got 6 packs for 3rd, but now I got 10! So much than 6. I pull a Valient Warrior thing, an Invincible Aura, and “pulled” a Bolmeteus. Very nice.
Here’s the picture of the plaque for you:
Here’s the Props and Slops
Props + making top 4 + Getting 10 packs! + “pulling” a bometeus + Better Five Civ this time for me
Slops - Still can’t beat Tim - I lost to Jeremy… - Crystal Paladin. With my last breath, I curse you!!! - the whole age group thing, for the same reason as I said before.
Well. That’s it for the 5 Civ. If anyone has any Qs, Triple C, or just want to speak your mind, Then e-mail me at my new address nimbly@gmail.com or you can use the old pt_1bc_2@yahoo.com Later Days… Don’t expect COTD’s for the rest of the week. I have all AP exams and the SAT Saturday. So this is so long until next week…
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