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Duel Masters Tourney Reports

From: Daniel Seghers, Jr. [mailto:danieljs@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 9:41 PM

Subject: TotFC Report-Fire/Water/Darkness-02/11/06-Daniel Seghers, Jr

Rising Phoenix

Gretna, LA

$10 entry fee

Hey guys, it's Horus back with a Tournament Report. I apologize for my absence here but I hope to be a bit more active in the near future!


3 of my friends come over and we playtest/build decks for Saturday. I trade/loan cards here and there, hoping to help them do well in the tournament.


We get there about 30 minutes before and eat. After eating, we go inside to sign-up and such. After what seemed like 5 minutes, but what was really half an hour, we start round 1.

Round 1: Daniel vs. Bye

I sat down and watched some "somewhat" interesting game. In the meantime, I sorted my deck by Civilizations. As my main worry is horrible starting hands, though they aren't too bad. After the duels finish, round 2 begins.


Round 2: Daniel vs. Jourdan(_D / W / L_)

I had made his deck the previous week and was loaning him cards. He was almost not able to attend, but showed up in time, thankfully. He playtests on DMC so he learned really quickly, considering he started the week before.

~~This went to three games, all of which were fairly close. I was glad for Apocalypse Vise and Blizzard of Spears though.

They ended winning me the match, in my opinion.



Round 3: Daniel vs. Eric (_D / W / L_)

He was one of the three who came over Friday night. He had opted to change his deck because it was doing horrible. By looking at his record, you can see that he made a better choice.

~~This went to three games as well, all of which were close. He ended up on top after Lost Souling me on turn 7. It went downhill from there for me. I almost game back, but his swarm was too much. On the second game, Lost Soul and Bazagazeal seal an easy and quick win for me. Game three was another blowout. He completely trashed my deck.



Round 4: Daniel vs. Kierston (_F / W / D_)

I was really worried at this point for some reason, as if I lost, there was a slim chance for me to top 4.

~~First game was completed one-sided. His hand went out faster that he probably wanted, thanks to Locomotiver and Cranium Clamp. In the second game, I had a Bloody Squito and another small attacker on the field, lots of cards in my hand, and two shields. He has the Magma Dragon (6/6000 Turbo Rush) and he plays Twin Cannon. I see that it doesn't look good at all. He attacks with Twin Cannon, and after awhile of thinking, I decide to take the two shields. I look at them in disbelief. TWO TERROR PITS!!!!. For him, it was the Climax of the duel, as I like to call it. I had hand adv. and field adv. I won, but without honor. Luckily for him, he top 4's



Top Four:

Amazingly, everyone I played top 4'd





NOTE: I promised Woody and Matthew that if they helped me get top 4 this time, I would help them top 4 in May.

Semis:Daniel vs. Eric

~~He wins first game close again. Second game I Lost Soul him, which I know bites him in the butt. Then later on, I do it again to a 3 card hand, getting rid of a Terror Pit, Magris, and Lost Soul. I win this one. Third game-I get an amazingly great hand, and Lost Soul takes it along with Bazagazeal.



Finals: Daniel vs. Jourdan

Before this, I would just like to give a shout out to Jourdan for a great start. His first DM tourney and he's already playing for a box.

~~Unfortunately, his streak runs dry. Both games I rely on, once again, Searings, Blizzards, and Apocalypses. I win this won in a less dramatic fashion than the others.



Deck List:


2x Kelp Candle

4x Corile

3x Energy Stream

2x Eureka Charger

4x Aqua Hulcus

2x Thrash Crawler

1x King Ripped-Hide

1x Grape Globbo


4x Bloody Squito

4x Terror Pit

2x Corpse Charger

4x Locomotiver

1x Cranium Clamp

2x Lost Soul


3x Volcano Charger

2x Searing Wave

2x Apocalypse Vise

1x Rikabu, the Dismantler

1x Blizzard of Spears

2x Twin Cannon Skyterror

1x Bazagazeal Dragon

2x Shock Trooper Mykee

~~ I had fun and I am glad to get my invite out of the way. Now it is time to run something completely original and different in May. Out of my box, I got 2 Slashes which are extremely good for the deck now that I've changed it up some.

~~ I am hoping to have an article for you all this week. If I do get it up, it will be a deck analysis of the DWL decks popping up everywhere.

Until next time,


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