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Deck Fix: Fire/Light Deck
> From: jacqueline A La
> Date: 2005/04/12 Tue
> Dear Drizer,
> Can you help me with my deck. My strategy does not seem to
> work all the time. When I duel my friends, my strategy is
to rush my
> opponent with fire creatures and protect them with light
> Your help would be appreciated.
> This is my deck
> Fire cards
> 4x Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
> 4x Mini Titan Gett
> 4x Immortal Baron, Vorg
> 2x Magma Gazer
> 2x Super Explosive Volcanodon
> 4x Rothus, the Traveler
> 4x Stonesaur
> 4x Tornado Flame
> 1x Bolskhack Dragon
> Light cards
> 4x La Ura Giga, Sky Guardian
> 4x Emerald Grass
> 4x Senatine Jade Tree
> 2x Dia Nork, Moonlight Guardian
> 2x Szubs Kin, Twilight Guardian
> 1x Gran Gure, Space Guardian
> 1x Ethel, Star Sea Elemental
> 2x Holy Awe
Ok, today I'll be fixing the Fire/Light deck shown above.
Let's get to it.
Ok, as a rule, I always say drop singles.
-1 Bolshack Dragon
-1 Gran Gure
-1 Ethel
This is an attempt to trim the deck down a bit. This will
bring you down to 46 cards.
I see some useless cards in here that may look tempting to
add to a deck, but reality, their not. These cards include:
Super Explosive Volcanadon
So drop those 6 cards. This will slim your deck down to 40
cards now.
Do you have any cards past Evocrushinators? I don't really
see any at all. Well, I'll try to keep your deck old school.
I would take out the 4 Tornado Flames
-4 Tornado Flame
For a turn 5 drop, I don't think Szubs Kin would be the
best. Blockers should protect you, but shouldn't drain up
all of your valuable mana.
-2 Szubs Kin, Twilight Guardian.
Ok, that leaves us with 36 cards. Here's what I would do
with some empty spots. 1 thing I always keep in mind: You do
not need to play 40 cards in a deck. If those extra 5 cards
will win you the game, play them. I would never play over 45
+2 Volcanic Arrows
+2 Armored Blaster Valdios/Armored Groblav (if you can get
them ( I said
+that because of Josh Richards, the top player in my state
because I
+told the last person who I did a fix for to get Holy Awes
and Natural
+Snares and Josh went all crazy on me)
+2 Holy Awes, if you can get 2 more of these, they would
really help.
+2 Larba Geer, the Immaculate
So, here's a look at your final deck:
Fire cards [20]
4x Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
4x Mini Titan Gett
4x Immortal Baron, Vorg
2x Magma Gazer
4x Rothus, the Traveler
2x Volcanic Arrows
Light cards [20]
4x La Ura Giga, Sky Guardian
4x Emerald Grass
4x Senatine Jade Tree
4x Dia Nork, Moonlight Guardian
4x Holy Awe
Total: 40
Hope you like your new deck!
Next week you can plan on a Darkness Deck Fix Up