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Eddy's Deck - 2.3.05
Well it's time for me to get my deck
garage up and going agian. Today I'm looking at a Fire deck with a splash of
three other colors. I have a lot of old submissions in my inbox right now. I
am afraid that the people who submitted their decks may be running different
after so many weeks. So I'm reviewing this deck, because it is the most
recent submission I have. *Hint* If you have sent me a submission before,
and have changed your deck, or are running something else, then let me know.
*End Hint*
Eddy writes,"Hi my name is Eddy AKA Lil' E. AKA Yuri. My deck's strategy is
to overwhelm my oppenent with fire cards.Ii play with my brother a lot.His
deck is a fire/darkness combo. The only fire cards he has are humans and
evolution to humans. I need a deck tune up to be unbeatable."
And here's the deck that he sent me.
3x Tornado Flame
4x Crimson Hammer
4x Mini Titan Gett
4x Imortal Baron Vorg
1x Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
3x Super Explosive Volcanodon
2x Burning Power
2x Armored Cannon Balbaro
2x Stonesaur
2x Draglide
2x Fatal Attacker Horvath
2x Brawler zyler
2x Rothus The Traveler
1x Metalwing Skyterror
1x Armored Blaster Valdios
1x Holy Awe
1x Sonic Wing
1x Solar Ray
1x Logic Cube
2x Emerald Grass
1x Lok Vizier of Hunting
1x Laguana Lightning Enforcer
1x Stained Glass
1x Aqua Shooter
1x Bone Spider
1x Lost Soul
1x Ghost Touch
1x Terror Pit
2x Death Smoke
Well the first step in fixing a deck is taking out every single card that
serves no purpose. So I'll be taking out, Super Explosive Volcanodon,
Burning Power, Armored Cannon Balbaro, Stonesaur, Draglide, Fatal Attacker
Horvath, Sonic Wing, Solar Ray, Lok Vizier of Hunting, Laguna Lightning
Enforcer, Stained Glass, Lost Soul, and Ghost Touch. These cards were
removed from the deck, because they either offer little support for the main
strategy, or are just really bad cards.
So here's what the deck looks like now...
3x Tornado Flame
4x Crimson Hammer
4x Mini Titan Gett
4x Imortal Baron Vorg
1x Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
2x Brawler zyler
2x Rothus The Traveler
1x Metalwing Skyterror
1x Armored Blaster Valdios
1x Holy Awe
1x Logic Cube
2x Emerald Grass
1x Bone Spider
1x Terror Pit
2x Death Smoke
Now you don't have very many non-fire cards left. Since you need a Yellow
Mana to summon a Yellow Card, and a Dark Mana to Summon a Dark Card, I'm
going to drop the other two colors from your deck. Having so few cards of
one color means that you will almost never have the needed mana to use the
other colored cards. So here's what the deck looks like now...
3x Tornado Flame
4x Crimson Hammer
4x Mini Titan Gett
4x Imortal Baron Vorg
1x Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
2x Brawler zyler
2x Rothus The Traveler
1x Metalwing Skyterror
1x Armored Blaster Valdios
Now I'm going to max out some of the good cards in your deck.
4x Tornado Flame
4x Crimson Hammer
4x Mini Titan Gett
4x Imortal Baron Vorg
4x Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
4x Brawler zyler
2x Rothus The Traveler
1x Metalwing Skyterror
4x Armored Blaster Valdios
There's a few cards that no Fire deck should go without. One of them is
Searing Wave, and the other is Twin Cannon Skyterror. Both of these cards
are awesome. Searing Wave allows you to take out all your opponent's weenies
in one sweep. In this deck you can use it to take out a lot of your
opponent's smaller blockers. Twin Cannon Skyterror is just an awesome
finisher card to use.
4x Tornado Flame
4x Crimson Hammer
4x Mini Titan Gett
4x Imortal Baron Vorg
4x Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
4x Brawler zyler
2x Rothus The Traveler
1x Metalwing Skyterror
4x Armored Blaster Valdios
x4 Searing Wave
x4 Twin Cannon Skyterror
Metalwing, and Rothus just don't do much for this deck. They are not speedy
cards. The key to this deck is using speed. So I'm going to take them out.
Now a card that IS speedy would be General Bombat. It's a nice card with
Speed Attacker. Cards with speed attacker are great. Twin Cannon is not a
turn seven card. It's a turn six card. You see Twin Cannon is already in
play. Your opponent just doesn't know it yet. The same goes for Bombat. The
really good thing about Speed Attackers is that they are turn 4/6 cards, but
you don't spend the mana for them until turns 5/7. This leaves your mana
free to do other things. Well here's the final version of your deck.
4x Tornado Flame
4x Crimson Hammer
4x Mini Titan Gett
4x Imortal Baron Vorg
4x Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
4x Brawler zyler
x4 Bombat General of Speed
4x Armored Blaster Valdios
x4 Searing Wave
x4 Twin Cannon Skyterror
The way to play this deck is just sit back, play creatures take your
opponent's sheilds quickly. Try to build up several creatures, and then
attack with them all at once. Picking slowly away at your opponent's shields
is not a good idea. Throw down a swarm of creatures and take shields in
chunks. This will keep your opponent from taking full advantage of drawing
cards from sheilds. The only time that you want to take one shield at a time
is when Deadly Fighter Braid Claw attacks. Claw can hit play as soon as turn
one. If the opponent can't kill it off then they lose a lot of shields
quickly from it. If your opponent puts something in Claw's way then use
Crimson Hammer to get rid of it. After turn four you might want to put any
other Claws into the mana zone, since they are best used on turns 1-3. There
are times when you do not want to attack though. For instance you do not
want to attack when the attacking creature would be destroyed by one of your
opponent's creatures next turn (unless of course attacking your opponent
would result in you winning the game.) If you get to the very late game,
then you are going to have to use Twin Cannon Skyterror to finish your
opponent off. It's usually a good idea to just play mana until you have six
mana. After that don't play anymore mana unless you need to attack with Twin
Cannon. Well that's it for today. I hope I've helped. I can gauruntee you
that you should be able to beat your brother a lot more.
Until next time (which will be very soon, so send me those submissions)
everybody. Cya.