NFG's Duel
Masters Deck Garage
Marlene wrote:
"Here is my deck
1 Roaring Great-Horn
4 Mighty Shouter
4 Bronze-Arm Tribe
4 Barkwhip, the Smasher
4 Burning Mane
1 Natural Snare
4 Dimension Gate
2 Crystal Lancer
2 Plasma Chaser
3 Aqua Bouncer
1 Crystal Paladin
4 Aqua Shooter
4 Aqua Hulcus
2 Teleportation
4 Brain Serum
Pretty much I use Nature cards for mana acceleration and water for card drawing.
Early game I like to get out one of my Barkwhips to do some early damage. Late
game I use Crystal Lancer to finish the job.
Thanks for your help."
And thank YOU for writing to me! Hmm, seems like a pretty decent Blue/Green
deck. but is missing some of those new Rampage cards and some of the speed
elements that combo well with this color scheme. First, lets figure out your
Green stuff:
1 Roaring Great-Horn
4 Mighty Shouter
4 Bronze-Arm Tribe
4 Barkwhip, the Smasher
4 Burning Mane
1 Natural Snare
4 Dimension Gate
A pretty strong lineup, but rarely does the single monster idea work in this
game..so the random Roaring Great Horn must go. There are better choices then
the slow Mighty Shouter, such as Sniper Misquito. I know, I know, its not a
Beast Folk, but our new set Rampage introduces us to the Giant Insect evo line!
So I'm going to ditch the Great Horn and Shouters for a Giant Insect lineup.
Then we have the 4 Barkwhips..which pre-rampage was an excellent choice, but now
its a bit different. That means you need to go trade for some Dual Fangs,
because they are going in for 2 Barkwhips. Dual Fangs can take out those
powerhouses like Crystal Lancer. Now we move on to what seems to be your only
major mistake..1 Natural Snare and 4 Dimension Gates! Tsk Tsk Tsk, Snare should
be ran in groups of two..why..because thats what seems to be effective. :p . So
I think its best to go 2 and 2 for them, and you'll need to add the new Rampage
card Mana Nexus. Mana Nexus can be nasty late game, giving you a wall of new
protection. So here what the new line up looks like:
4 Burning Mane
4 Bronze Arm Tribe
4 Sniper Misquito
2 Fighter Dual Fang
2 Barkwhip the Smasher
2 Gigamantis
4 Mana Nexus
2 Natural Snare
2 Dimension Gate
Now for the Blue, which in my opinion is the best of the two colors.
Heres what you have:
2 Crystal Lancer
2 Plasma Chaser
3 Aqua Bouncer
1 Crystal Paladin
4 Aqua Shooter
4 Aqua Hulcus
2 Teleportation
4 Brain Serum
RIght off the bat I see a few problems, but still a somewhat solid lineup.
Corile is too good to pass up, espicially when running Green in here. He is much
better than Aqua Bouncer, because he sets them back a turn. Plasma Chaser is
prone to removal and does not have a "come into play" effect in which Blue
thrives off of. Otherwise the lineup is superb, it mirrors my own. You are
missing Emerals, but that isn't TOO bad to miss out on. Now we have the spells.
I loathe Teleportation. I think it is one of the most over-played cards right
now. Five mana to bounce back two creatures. Guess what? Instead of playing down
my two cards for the same price, I'll just bounce your two back..=/. I would
"tech" one, but thats it. Brain Serum, Brain Serum, Brain Serum, why run it? It
gives you two cards, which can't be bad! The thing is, if it isn't a Shield
Trigger then it is awful. Crystal Memory is far better, because it gives you the
needed card. I would run them over Brain Serum. WOW! I just noticed you don't
have any Spiral Gates in there. You NEED four in any deck running Blue. Heres
the end lineup for your Blue Guys:
4 Aqua Hulcus
4 Corile
2 Crystal Lancer
2 Aqua Soldier
1 Crystal Paladin
4 Spiral Gate
2 Crystal Memory
1 Teleportation
I hope this helps you in your journey to become a "Kaijudo Master"!
Happy Winnings!

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