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NFG's Duel Masters Deck Garage
NFG be back. I've been
busy with my homies and being all gangster. I started
DM-Unit. Word.
Just kidding. I'm sure you were worried.
Anyways, I figured I'd start back with a friend from
somewhere outside of America. I'm not sure where, since he
did not specify. But it explains his broken English. Enjoy.
Rayen wrote:
"Dear "NFG",
I went searchin' the internet for game tips in this duel
game... and I found your deck garage. Just a beginner but I
have many cards
(for starting). Anyway, can you fix my deck?
4x Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
4x Brawler Zyler
4x Immortal Baron Vorg
2x Snip Striker Bullraizer
2x Mini Titan Gett
4x Kamikaze, Chainsaw Warrior
2x Armored Blaster Valdios
1x Rothus, The Traveler
1x Flametropus
1x MagmaRex
2x Scarlet Skyterror
1x Gattling Skyterror
1x Bolshack Dragon
2x Crimson Hammer
4x Tornado Flame
2x Magma Gazer
2x Volcanic Arrows
1x Mega Detonator
=40 cards, a fire deck.
*I want to keep my deck 40. Please fix it with number FORTY.
If you
cannot its OK. Thanks for the help.
Actually, this is named "Quick-Kill". The attackers range
from 1000 to 3000 is only for pure brawl. Direct attack. But
sometimes, I use some for suicide because of blockers. And
when someone is "UNlucky", in 3 turns, he (or she) has only
one shield and 3 mana.
Those who are high attackers (except the evolution): Are for
tactics. Normally, I would clear the table because of these
cards. While they do defense, the low ones does the offense.
I use some also for offense if the defense of the opponent
is weak.
The Valdios is just for brawl, to evolve from human
"weakling" mace to tough missile pods, multi rocket
launchers, a gattling gun and a photon projectile cannon(I
The spells are also opponent's stength crushers, a wall to
my sheilds.
And that's all! Thanks!
From: Rayen: A Beginner"
I've received some emails from people from another country
before, and most of the time trash them because I don't
understand what they're saying. But you email is good. VERY
GOOD. MUY BUENO! Let me show you what rush looks like 'round
28x Creatures
4x Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
4x Rikabu
4x Pyrofighter
4x Kamikaze Chainsaw Warrior
4x Brawler Zyler
4x Immortal Baron Vorg
4x Mini Titan Gett
2x Rothus the Traveler
8x Spells
4x Holy Awe
4x Comet Missile
Let me explain why I took out some of the cards you had:
Snip Strike Bullraizer is good, but by some freak chance, he
may not be able to attack.
Flametropus is good, just like Snip Strike, but he is too
Magmarex is counter-productive. You run too many 1000 power
Scarlett Skyterror, Bolshack, and Gatling Skyterror are
really too slow for a rush deck. You want them to be dead
about the time you would play those creatures.
All the spells you had were sub par compared to what I put
in. Holy Awe can tap what they have, instead of just kill
one. Comet Missile deals with the only big problem for you,
which is a blocker.
I hope this helps you, Rayen. Maybe you could send me some
Non-American cards?
Do you live in the Dallas Texas area? Come to Creative.
Play NFG and other friggin' awesome people.
Dr. Monte EadsUDE's Best.Pojo - DM COTD and DM Deck Garage.
Soon to be on Wizards Site.