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Evil★Twin Ki-sikil – #GEIM-EN015
2 monsters, including a “Ki-sikil” monster
If this card is Special Summoned and you control a “Lil-la” monster: You can draw 1 card. During the Main Phase, if you do not control a “Lil-la” monster (Quick Effect): You can Special Summon 1 “Lil-la” monster from your GY, also you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except Fiend monsters. You can only use each effect of “Evil★Twin Ki-sikil” once per turn.
Evil★Twin Lil-la – #GEIM-EN016
2 monsters, including a “Lil-la” monster
If this card is Special Summoned and you control a “Ki-sikil” monster: You can target 1 card on the field; destroy it. During the Main Phase, if you do not control a “Ki-sikil” monster (Quick Effect): You can Special Summon 1 “Ki-sikil” monster from your GY, also you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except Fiend monsters. You can only use each effect of “Evil★Twin Lil-la” once per turn.
Date Reviewed: January 12th, 2021
Rating: 3.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is awful. 3 is average. 5 is excellent.
Reviews Below:
King of
Hello Pojo Fans,
Live Twins become Evil Twins as we look at the Link 2’s of the archetype.
Evil★Twin Ki-sikil and Evil★Twin Lil-la both are Link 2 that need their predecessor Live Twin monster as part of their summon (of course). Arrows pointing down and to the side, opposite side arrow for each. Their effect(s) are dependent on the other, as sisters can be. Ki-sikil needs her sister (Main Deck or Extra Deck form) to draw a card, while Lil-la needs Ki-sikil to pop a card. Each can Special Summon the other in either form if that sister isn’t on the field during the Main Phase.
The Special Summon ability when the other isn’t on the field is a great way to keep presence on the field, as well as activate their summon effect on your opponents turn. To benefit from each effect you’ll have to have both sisters on the field, then get one of them off the field to bring them back again. With the amount of Special Summon monsters to use alongside these Cyberse sisters you shouldn’t have a problem doing that. Evil Ki-sikil benefits you more during your Main Phase while Evil Lil-la can benefit you during either turn. Both suffer the drawback of not being able to be in defense while having low ATK.
Both monsters are easy to summon within their archetype and do much more than their Main Deck forms. What you do with them from then on is up to you.
Advanced-3.5/5 Art-4.5/5
Until Next Time
We saw the twins in their V-Tuber form and now we see them in their night thief forms with Evil Twin Ki-sikil and Lil-la.
Both once again are very similar being Link-2 Fiends with 1100 ATK, only Ki-sikil is LIGHT and Lil-la is DARK. More Chaos stuff, fairly low ATK even for Link-2, but Fiend has some interesting interactions. They both have the bottom arrow, just Ki-sikil points Right and Lil-la points Left, which either way is good. Their Link Materials are kinda expected with both taking 2 Monsters, with Ki-sikil needing a Ki-sikil Monster of course and Lil-la needing a Lil-la Monster. Pretty easy considering the Live Twins themselves set this up. Upon being Special Summoned while you control the opposite Twin, Ki-sikil lets you draw a card while Lil-la lets you pop a card. They also revive the other version of the Twin if you don’t already control it. This makes for a nice combo on turn 1 using the 2 Twins to summon Evil Twin Ki-sikil then use Ki-sikil to revive Live Twin Lil-la to then Link Summon your Evil Twin Lil-la to use that to revive Link-2 Ki-sikil for a draw, and on turn 2 you could just Link Summon your Lil-la first, revive Live Twin Ki-sikil to Link into Evil Twin Ki-sikil to revive Evil Twin Lil-la to pop an opponent’s card. After all that, you got the materials for a Link-4 instantly, which is pretty insane. They lock you into Fiends when you use the revive effects on each, so your likely target for a Link-4 would be Unchained Abomination or Knightmare Gryphon, which overall the Knightmares could do well in this archetype and Abomination could be a better boss then their actual boss. Each effect on both gals here are a hard once per turn, which is fair considering how quick you could gain advantage otherwise. They’re musts for using the Evil/Live Twin package really, easy to justify running 3 of each of these girls as well really.
Advanced Rating: 4/5
Art: 4.5/5 The artwork in the thief forms are more stunning to be fair.
So the Twins yesterday weren’t evil? Just mischievous? Or just misunderstood like the Prank Kids? Anyway, the Twins have become Evil today. So very obviously similar, as yesterday, with Ki-sikil being Light and Lil-la being Dark, both having 1100 attack and being Link 2, both being Fiends, and both needing 2 Monsters, 1 of which has to be a namesake for a Link Summon. Both have arrows pointing directly down while Ki has one to the immediate right and Lil has one to the immediate left. So Ki lets you Draw a card if Special (not Link specifically) Summoned if you control a Lil card. Promoting the synergy is good, and I’m a fan of Drawing, as we should be. Even if the latter effect contradicts the first one, where a Quick effect lets you Special Summon a Lil Monster from your Grave assuming you don’t control any. We went from good synergy to seemingly forced synergy really quick. But that can still work for you. Lil lets you Target and destroy a card on the Field when Special Summoned so long as you control a Ki Monster. But wait, if you don’t, again via Quick effect, lets you Special Summon one from the Grave. This effect on both cards locks you into Fiend Special Summons from your Extra Deck for that Turn, but no problem.
Rating: 3.25/5
Art: 5/5 for both, they certainly look evil here
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