Pokemon Trading Card Game (TCG)
English Set Compositions and Price Guide
c.1999-2018 The PoJo — http://www.pojo.com
U.S. “EX FireRed & LeafGreen” Expansion Set Price Guide 
Revised January 2018
Full Card List Notes
This set was released in August 2004. There were no first edition cards in this set.
We are NOT selling cards. These are compiled for clarification of relative values and what you might expect to pay online or at a game store for these cards.
Prices are all based on Near Mint Condition. PSA Graded Cards are generally more valuable, especially if graded 8 thru 10. What are graded cards? Click here. PSA 10 cards are generally worth 3-10 times the values below.
PSA 10 Examples – 1st Edition examples of actual sales on eBay in 2017: Charizard – $425; Blastoise $163, Gengar $100. Not all cards have been sold in PSA 10 condition. Some are not worth grading, so there are no prices in the Price Guide for those right now.
Number | Name | Rarity | PSA 10 | Ungraded |
1/112 | Beedrill | Holographic | $15 | $4 |
2/112 | Butterfree | Holographic | $20 | $4 |
3/112 | Dewgong | Holographic | $20 | $2 |
4/112 | Ditto | Holographic | $20 | $4 |
5/112 | Exeggutor | Holographic | $15 | $3 |
6/112 | Kangaskhan | Holographic | $15 | $3 |
7/112 | Marowak | Holographic | $15 | $4 |
8/112 | Nidoking | Holographic | $25 | $5 |
9/112 | Nidoqueen | Holographic | $15 | $3 |
10/112 | Pidgeot | Holographic | $15 | $3 |
11/112 | Poliwrath | Holographic | $15 | $3 |
12/112 | Raichu | Holographic | $23 | $4 |
13/112 | Rapidash | Holographic | $25 | $6 |
14/112 | Slowbro | Holographic | $15 | $3 |
15/112 | Snorlax | Holographic | $20 | $5 |
16/112 | Tauros | Holographic | $15 | $3 |
17/112 | Victreebel | Holographic | $15 | $3 |
18/112 | Arcanine | Rare | $31 | $3 |
19/112 | Chansey | Rare | $1 | |
20/112 | Cloyster | Rare | $1 | |
21/112 | Dodrio | Rare | $1 | |
22/112 | Dugtrio | Rare | $1 | |
23/112 | Farfetch’d | Rare | $1 | |
24/112 | Fearow | Rare | $1 | |
25/112 | Hypno | Rare | $1 | |
26/112 | Kingler | Rare | $1 | |
27/112 | Magneton | Rare | $1 | |
28/112 | Primeape | Rare | $1 | |
29/112 | Scyther | Rare | $1 | |
30/112 | Tangela | Rare | $1 | |
31/112 | Charmeleon | Uncommon | $15 | $2 |
32/112 | Drowzee | Uncommon | $1 | |
33/112 | Exeggcute | Uncommon | $1 | |
34/112 | Haunter | Uncommon | $1 | |
35/112 | Ivysaur | Uncommon | $1 | |
36/112 | Kakuna | Uncommon | $1 | |
37/112 | Lickitung | Uncommon | $1 | |
38/112 | Mankey | Uncommon | $1 | |
39/112 | Metapod | Uncommon | $1 | |
40/112 | Nidorina | Uncommon | $1 | |
41/112 | Nidorino | Uncommon | $1 | |
42/112 | Onix | Uncommon | $1 | |
43/112 | Parasect | Uncommon | $1 | |
44/112 | Persian | Uncommon | $1 | |
45/112 | Pidgeotto | Uncommon | $1 | |
46/112 | Poliwhirl | Uncommon | $1 | |
47/112 | Porygon | Uncommon | $1 | |
48/112 | Raticate | Uncommon | $1 | |
49/112 | Venomoth | Uncommon | $1 | |
50/112 | Wartortle | Uncommon | $1 | |
51/112 | Weepinbell | Uncommon | $1 | |
52/112 | Wigglytuff | Uncommon | $1 | |
53/112 | Bellsprout | Common | $1 | |
54/112 | Bulbasaur | Common | $1 | |
55/112 | Bulbasaur | Common | $1 | |
56/112 | Caterpie | Common | $1 | |
57/112 | Charmander | Common | $15 | $2 |
58/112 | Charmander | Common | $15 | $2 |
59/112 | Clefairy | Common | $1 | |
60/112 | Cubone | Common | $1 | |
61/112 | Diglett | Common | $1 | |
62/112 | Doduo | Common | $1 | |
63/112 | Gastly | Common | $1 | |
64/112 | Growlithe | Common | $1 | |
65/112 | Jigglypuff | Common | $1 | |
66/112 | Krabby | Common | $1 | |
67/112 | Magikarp | Common | $1 | |
68/112 | Magnemite | Common | $1 | |
69/112 | Meowth | Common | $1 | |
70/112 | Nidoran F | Common | $1 | |
71/112 | Nidoran M | Common | $1 | |
72/112 | Paras | Common | $1 | |
73/112 | Pidgey | Common | $1 | |
74/112 | Pikachu | Common | $1 | |
75/112 | Poliwag | Common | $1 | |
76/112 | Ponyta | Common | $1 | |
77/112 | Rattata | Common | $1 | |
78/112 | Seel | Common | $1 | |
79/112 | Shellder | Common | $1 | |
80/112 | Slowpoke | Common | $1 | |
81/112 | Spearow | Common | $1 | |
82/112 | Squirtle | Common | $1 | |
83/112 | Squirtle | Common | $1 | |
84/112 | Venonat | Common | $1 | |
85/112 | Voltorb | Common | $1 | |
86/112 | Weedle | Common | $1 | |
87/112 | Bill’s Maintenance | Uncommon | $1 | |
88/112 | Celio’s Network | Uncommon | $1 | |
89/112 | Energy Removal 2 | Uncommon | $1 | |
90/112 | Energy Switch | Uncommon | $1 | |
91/112 | EXP.ALL | Uncommon | $1 | |
92/112 | Great Ball | Uncommon | $1 | |
93/112 | Life Herb | Uncommon | $1 | |
94/112 | Mt. Moon | Uncommon | $1 | |
95/112 | Poké Ball | Uncommon | $1 | |
96/112 | Pokédex HANDY 909 | Uncommon | $1 | |
97/112 | Pokémon Reversal | Uncommon | $1 | |
98/112 | Prof. Oak’s Research | Uncommon | $1 | |
99/112 | Super Scoop Up | Uncommon | $1 | |
100/112 | VS Seeker | Uncommon | $1 | |
101/112 | Potion | Common | $1 | |
102/112 | Switch | Common | $1 | |
103/112 | Multi Energy | Rare | $3 | |
104/112 | Blastoise ex | Ex Holographic | $163 | $45 |
105/112 | Charizard ex | Ex Holographic | $425 | $130 |
106/112 | Clefable ex | Ex Holographic | $8 | |
107/112 | Electrode ex | Ex Holographic | $79 | $11 |
108/112 | Gengar ex | Ex Holographic | $100 | $40 |
109/112 | Gyarados ex | Ex Holographic | $75 | $20 |
110/112 | Mr. Mime ex | Ex Holographic | $7 | |
111/112 | Mr. Mime ex | Ex Holographic | $7 | |
112/112 | Venusaur ex | Ex Holographic | $103 | $35 |
113/112 | Charmander | Super Rare | $15 | |
114/112 | Articuno ex | Ex Holographic | $60 | $20 |
115/112 | Moltres ex | Ex Holographic | $60 | $12 |
116/112 | Zapdos ex | Ex Holographic | $52 | $12 |