Ext Ryzeal – #CRBR-EN004
You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by sending 1 Xyz Monster from your Extra Deck to the GY. If Summoned this way, you cannot Special Summon from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except Rank 4 Xyz Monsters. You can only Special Summon “Ext Ryzeal” once per turn this way. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned and you control no other face-up monsters, except Level/Rank 4 monsters: You can add 1 FIRE Thunder monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of “Ext Ryzeal” once per turn.
Date Reviewed: January 7th, 2025
Rating: 4.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is awful. 3 is average. 5 is excellent.
Reviews Below:

King of
Hello Pojo Fans,
Ext Ryzeal is the second Main Deck monster in the Ryzeal archetype we’ll be looking at this week and one of your two targets off Sword Ryzeal.
Special Summon ability for Ext involves sending an Xyz from your Extra Deck to the grave. While this may sound counter-productive to the strategy, Ryzeal have Mereologic Aggregator to runin the Extra Deck as a tool for Ext Ryzeal. MA will will negate a face-up card on the field for the turn when sent by Ext Ryzeal to the grave, and you’ll get your Ext Ryzeal Special Summon. Same restriction of locking you into Rank 4’s for the turn when Special Summoned this way and only once per turn can you Special Summon Ext Ryzeal this way (like all Main Deck Ryzeal). Searching this with Sword and then negating a card of your opponent’s for free while getting the other half of your bare minimum Rank 4 Summon is far from fair.
When Normal or Special Summoned, Ext Ryzeal will get you the other half of the Main Deck monsters, searching a FIRE Thunder to cover what Sword Ryzeal can’t search. You are likely to always have no monsters or Level 4/Rank 4 monsters, so this effect is not going to miss by having something that is slowing your strategy on the field. Node, Palm, or Sword Ryzeal can be searched off Ext, and you are most likely searching another Sword. Node Ryzeal though can be Special Summoned immediately because you’ll have Aggregator in the grave, fulfilling the requirement for its Special Summon. Node is a 1-for-1: discarding a card to Special Summon a Ryzeal from the grave, but its effects are negated. Even if you don’t want to discard using Node, you will still have three Ryzeal on the field for a 3+ Rank 4.
Sword or Ext starting things off for you is what you want to see in the opening hand. Their combo alone will set up your best Rank 4 and shouldn’t leave you wanting for more cards. Ironically, there is no Ryzeal that searches a Spell/Trap for the archetype…yet.
Advanced- 4/5 Art- 4/5
Until Next Time,

From FIRE and Thunder to LIGHT and Pryo, the next card is one of the best Ryzeal names in the Deck for what it offers the archetype: Ext Ryzeal.
Ext is a Level 4 LIGHT Pyro with 500 ATK and 2000 DEF. A strong DEF stat at least, and while LIGHT and Pyro is a weird combination, at least Pyro makes it searchable off the 3 Bonfire the TCG still has. You can Special Summon this from the hand by sending any Xyz Monster from the Extra Deck to the graveyard, but of course you can only summon Rank 4s from the Extra Deck for the rest of the turn after it resolves. It’s basically a free Special Summon since some Extra Deck monsters have grave effects you can use off this like Meteorlogic Aggregator or later Number 18 if you want to play a Heraldic Ryzeal variant after Alliance Insight. Either way, it’s a way to start your plays without needing field or grave setup. Of course, you can only summon it once a turn this way. On Normal or Special Summon, you can search for any FIRE Thunder Ryzeal from the Deck, getting you to your Sword Ryzeal or your Node Ryzeal for more extenders to make Rank 4s. HOPT on this search effect. Ext is also not too interesting of card design. Easy Special Summon effect and free search is of course good. It’s another 3-of in Ryzeal unless the TCG ever copies the OCG and puts this to 1.
Advanced Rating: 4.25/5
Art: 4/5 Still not too interesting, but it’s somewhat cooler than Sword.

If Sword Ryzeal is the pancreas of the deck, Ice and Ext Ryzeal are the heart and soul– we’re just covering Ext Ryzeal today, a level 4 LIGHT Pyro monster. You can access it with Ryzeal Duo Drive, Ice Ryzeal, Sword Ryzeal, Seventh Tachyon, and of course Bonfire. Yet again, Ext comes with an odd stat spread of 500 attack and 2000 defense, which are better than Sword’s but still not fighting-fit.
The main reason everybody loves to hate Ext is its first effect, a hard once per turn effect to Special Summon itself from your hand by sending any Xyz monster from your Extra Deck to the Graveyard, locking you into Rank 4 monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of the turn. The lock is again irrelevant since your endboard is entirely Rank 4 monsters anyway– the Extra Deck dump is the real killer here. You’re meant to send one of the Ryzeal Extra Deck monsters to fill the Graveyard to set up Sword if something happens to Ext for some reason, but after turn 2 (or on turn 1 if you’re dealing with a turn 0 deck somehow) the most attractive option is Mereologic Aggregator, which is effectively an omni negate for a face-up card after being sent to the Graveyard. This lets Ryzeal start dismantling your board as soon as they start comboing, which has driven more than a few people up the wall. Ext’s other effect is comparatively simpler and more tame, but no less powerful, as it’s a hard once per turn effect that triggers on Normal or Special Summon to search a level 4 FIRE Thunder monster as long as you control no other face-up monsters except level or Rank 4 monsters. Obviously, you’ll search Sword if you don’t have it yet, and it’ll instantly be live assuming Ext hasn’t died or you dumped a Ryzeal Xyz, but if you do, Node Ryzeal is a good 1-of to search just to squeeze out a little more value. The caveat is once again largely meaningless in pure Ryzeal, since it limits Ext to being strictly a starter and you don’t get much value out of summoning it with Ice or otherwise anywhere else in the middle of your combo, so you’ll have to be careful in hybrid builds like Fiendsmith. Still, Ext is easily the strongest of the Main Deck Ryzeals, such that it’s now Limited in the OCG. You’d have an easier time convincing me the sun sets in the east than running less than 3 copies of Ext if possible! And play 3 Ice too.
+Magnificently efficient 1-card combo starter
+Can help break boards while comboing past turn 2
-Needs to be by itself to search in hybrid builds
Advanced: 4.5/5
Art: 3.5/5 Is that Bass’s helmet???
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