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Fullmetal Alchemist Anime
Character Bios: Mei Chang
Mei Chang is a character depicted only in the manga. She is
a wandering alchemist from the far-Eastern country of Xing.
Accompanied by a tiny panda, she is searching for the secret
of immortality so that her clan in Xing, the lowest caste,
will not die out. Mei has a crush on Edward, who she
pictures as a tall, handsome man. When she does meet him,
she does not recognize him and calls him "bean boy".
Mei appears to be no
than 10, but she is already an accomplished alchemist. Her
special form of alchemy involves using throwing knives to
form two alchemy circles (called "formula circles" in Xing);
one is created near herself and the other near the intended
target. Then, Mei performs alchemy on the circle nearest to
her, and the result appears within the second circle.
Interestingly, one of the circles she uses resembles the one
used by Dante to control The Gate.
Mei is first spotted in Youswell, saving the miners there
after a mine collapse. It is there that the people tell her
about Edward Elric, and she decides to set off to Central to
see him. Lieutenant Yoki then finds her collapsed on the
streets of Central; he claims that Scar is his servant
(though the reverse is true). This leads to Mei Chan being
unafraid of Scar, and they seem to be slowly forming a bond;
Mei saves Scar from the Elrics when Hawkeye shoots him in
the leg. The plight of the Chan clan in Xing seems to remind
Scar of the similar plight of the Ishbalans.