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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
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Frank Archer, Self-serving
Alchemist's Gate
Reviewed September 06, 2006
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews.
The Frost
Frank Archer,
Self-serving Soldier
4 Cost—Homunculus Faction
3 Strength—5 Wits--0 Alchemy
"Battle Wits: Target Military or Homunculus
character gets +1 to each attribute.
Battle Wits: Target Military or Homunculus
character gets -1 to each attribute."
The Rundown: Frank Archer week continues with an
ally this time.
Self-serving Soldier is actually very cool in
the fact that he has two
different effects that can be used, kinda like
Armstrong, Strong and
Beautiful. With these effects, he can give
himself or another character
(assuming it's Military or Homunculus) +1 to
each attribute and give the
Homunculus or Military character you're fighting
-1 to each attribute. In
essence, that should get you 2 up on whatever
character you're fighting
against, which is pretty good.
The Downside: It's painfully obvious: his
ability only affects Military and
Homunculus characters. So, if you're fighting
against Rebel or Elric, he's
not going to be quite as useful. Good thing he
doesn't cost a lot.
Final Word: While his effect is a little
limiting, it could be worse. And
besides, most of the top tier decks are Military
and Homunculus (from what
I've seen), so you shouldn't have too much of a
problem getting the most out
of this ally.
I give Frank Archer, Self-serving Soldier a 3.5
out of 5.
The Frost Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist TCG
Haven |
Frank Archer,
Self Serving Soldier
4 Cost
3 / 5 / 0
Battle Wits: Target Military of Homunculus
character gets +1 to each attribute.
Battle Wits: Target Military of Homunculus
character gets -1 to each attribute.
Hey look it's Foolish Pawns =P. Well not quite,
but still good. This thing wins battles and it's
definitely good in any kind of draft format. I
would say Foolish Pawns is better, but this is a
common and Pawns is a rare.
Rating: 3/5 (Pump Abilities, Common)