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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
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Dorochet, Greed's Best Friend
Alchemist's Gate
Reviewed September 20, 2006
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews.
is one of the many new, great chimeras in
Alchemist's Gate. He along with Law, Lizardman,
Entourage (which is all of the chimeras as a
single ally oddly enough), and even a new Marta.
All of which have the Loyal trait, which is to
symbolize the relationship they had with Greed,
who is the new Rebel leader for AG. As
Dorochet's subtitle says, Dorochet is Greed's
Best Friend, and as such he has a few
responsibilities. One of which is keeping Greed
safe, as you can tell from his ability to block
an attack. Another is to be loyal as was stated
All rebel decks can benefit from around 80% of
the new allies released in AG, and Dorochet is
in the top percentile of those beneficial
allies. He adds wits to a somewhat witless
faction. He gives a big blocker that can boost
himself with Quick Strength. He is also a
chimera, which fits well in many theme decks,
such as Father Cornello's 7 command level 2, and
Shou Tucker's new level 3.
In constructed, he is an easy choice for a rebel
deck, since he is highly useful. In sealed, he
is a great and easy choice if you pulled the
Scar deck, since he gives you a great boost and
can sometimes help you fight in the wits
battles, he can even win alchemy battles against
the low or no alchemy characters.
Sealed 5/5: Scar deck + Dorochet = Awesome
Constructed 5/5: He may be able to be targeted
by Stalker, but its not likely, he's great.
Haven |
Greed's Best Friend
7 Cost
6 / 5 / 0
Loyal: 3
Quick Strength: 2
React Strength: Dorochet blocks this attack.
Alchemist Gate brought rebel a bunch of good
lvl2 drops. This is one of them. His stats are
typical for a 7 drop, but his blocking ability
is what makes him good. Blocking abilities make
your opponent think before attacking, and it
also makes it harder for them to pick off your
weaker allies. Add in "Quick Strength: 2" and
watch your opponent groan. You can't splash him
too well because of loyal, but he is still very
Rating: 4/5 (Blocking ability, 7 Drop, Quick)
Charstar |
Greed's Best Friend
7-cost Rebel Ally
Quick Strength: 2
React Strength: Dorochet blocks this attack.
Loyal to a fault, Dorochet blocked the
homunculus assault against Greed, along with
Law. So, it's logical that the ally for this
dog-human hybrid would have the block ability.
All of Greed's pawns have Loyal: 3, so this
makes Dorochet no different from them. However,
Loyal: 3 restricts this puppy to Rebel and Shou
Unless you intend to splash a lot of Rebels.
Quick is this weeks theme, so it's nice to see
the Strength version. Lose a Strength Event, and
make Dorochet more powerful. Always helpful when
you have too many dead Test of Mights in your
hand in a mirror match.
And, the react Strength ability is standard for
most blocking characters. He gets to block. 'Nough
Dorochet is a very useful Rebel ally. He can
block, or attack, thanks to his beefy stats, and
your opponent either has to attack him, and fear
QS:2, or let him block, and deal with the QS:2.
Either way, an 8/7 for
7 is nothing to scoff at.
Sealed: 2/5 - Loyal: 3 is his downfall.
Constructed: 3.5/5 if your leader is a rebel/Shou.
His QS and blocking can come in quite handy.
the Crescent Moon Alchemist
Jared Harmon, Crescent Moon Alchemist
State Alchemist, Connersville, Indiana
"Sanest choice in this insane world...
Beware the beast, but enjoy the feast he offers"
- Nightwish, Beauty of the Beast