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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
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8 Command
Level 2
3 / 4 / 5
Quick Alchemy: 2
Your alchemy events and abilities cannot be
Izumi Curtis, PO'ed
Reviewed September 22, 2006
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews.
Haven |
Izumi Curtis,
8 Command
Level 2
3 / 4 / 5
Quick Alchemy: 2
Your alchemy events and abilities cannot be
If you have this card, please sell it. Trust me,
people will pay $40+ for this card easy. If
someone can sell a chase Ed, Martial Artist on
E-Bay for $25, I'm sure you can get much more
for this. So sell it, and buy a box =).
This is so much better than Izumi's other level
2 it isn't even funny. Although her stats are
low for a lvl 2, her abilities are amazing. She
has "Quick Alchemy: 2" and a built in strategist
effect for alchemy events. I can't believe they
still gave her 8 command after giving her those
2 great effects. I guess we get lucky sometimes.
Overall, an amazing leader for Izumi. My first
Rating: 5/5 (8 Command, Event Protection)
Charstar |
Izumi Curtis,
Elric Faction Level 2 Leader, 8 command
Human - Hero
Quick Alchemy: 2
Your Alchemy events and abilites cannot be
The final card for Quick Week is Izumi Curtis,
And, geez, this is a very nice close.
First of all, Izumi is an 8 command Elric
faction leader. Elric is probably the faction
that needs the 8 the most. So, we get Izumi's Xe
with 8 command. For an
8 command, her stats are nice, too.
Quick Alchemy: 2 is an upgrade from her level 1,
which has QA: 1. Discarding one alchemy card
pumps our Izumi up big. =D
The final ability on the card "Your alchemy
events and abilities cannot be cancelled" is the
icing on the cake. She now protects nearly
everything an Elric deck does. No more fear of
Daring Gambits or Lust, Artificial Human. Just
go right ahead and play your Sensei's Shadows.
Izumi, POed has one extra feature that isn't
printed on the card. Izumi can play Edward,
Alphonse, and Tim Marcoh. Ed has a lot of decent
allies, as does Alphonse, and you can play the
7-cost Marcoh to have a free non-cancellable
Alchemist Showdown each turn.
Sealed: 5/5 - Izumi POed is insane if you can
snag an Xe in Sealed.
Constructed: 4.5/5 Izumi is powerful powerful
powerful in sealed. Good luck in finding her,
though. She's the only reason Izumi is playable.
the Crescent Moon Alchemist
Jared Harmon, Crescent Moon Alchemist
State Alchemist, Connersville, Indiana
"Sanest choice in this insane world...
Beware the beast, but enjoy the feast he offers"
- Nightwish, Beauty of the Beast

When Izumi is
PO'ed she lets you know, she's not afraid of
fighting, as her quick alchemy would imply, and
she is pretty good at it usually. As the Sensei
to Edward and Alphonse Elric, they both have
learned much from Izumi, but nothing compares to
the source. Izumi's wisdom is only surpassed by
that of her Sensei Dante, but that’s a later
PO'ed is the most sought after Xe in Alchemists'
Gate, going for upwards of 200 dollars on eBay.
With good reason mind you, as she is very good.
She essentially makes your decks plans go
through without a hitch, which I think is a very
nice thing, not only does it make their Daring
Gambits, Edward Elric Researchers, Lust
Artificial Human, and Sloth Miss Directors
useless, it makes your cancels that much more
In sealed, Izumi is just as easy to play as any
other of the new leaders, and if you pull this
one you are in good shape, since the Al starter
is pretty lackluster due to his 7 command
leader. In constructed, Izumi is a force, making
all of your alchemy battle boosters go straight
Sealed: 4/5 Only if you get the Al starter and
the Izumi level 1.
Constructed: 5/5 Make a deck with Alchemy, you
won't regret it.