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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Tribal Mask is
the mask Mason wore as he was terrorizing the
Elric brothers on Yock Island. The mask had far
greater potential in the show than this one.
At first the effect of Tribal Mask seems very
beneficial, however, upon further examination,
you see it says "React Strength 5:Cancel an
ability targeting this character.", which means
it can only stop allies and attachements with
abilities, and not the main source of most
targetting, events. Events are the backbone to
any deck, taking up over half of the deck space
in most decks. So a card that only stops allies
and attachments abilities is a little
In sealed, nearly any lower costed attachment
will see play, and this one is
no exception, it boosts wits and has an effect
to boot, excellent for that setting. In
constructed, however, its a totally different
story, as it is an Armor and there are already
two Armor attachments that will see play over
this, the main one being Antique Armor, the
secondary being Mother's Locket.
Another downside in constructed is its effect is
less than effective against most decks.
Sealed 5/5: Cheaper attachments are always good
in sealed.
Constructed 2/5:It may be easy to play, but
thats its only upside.
Haven |
Tribal Mask
7 Cost Attachment
+0 / +1 / +0
React Strength 5: Cancel an ability targeting
this character.
Look familiar? It's basically a modified Trusted
Advisor. The advantage is that you can play
events and abilities targeting the character,
and you get a small wits boost. The disadvantage
is that the cost of the attachment is higher,
the effect requires 5 strength, and it doesn't
stop events. I like Advisor better because it
blocks everything, but It's still a good card.
Rating: 3/5 (Character Protection)
Darktaro |
Tribal Mask
7 Cost
+0 / +1 /+0
React Strength 5: Cancel an ability targeting
this character.
Tribal mask was what Mason used to keep an eye
on the Elric Brothers while they were training
on Yock Island in their youth. Unfortunately his
idea of keeping on eye on them was fighting them
and stealing their food on a regular basis. Now
onto the review!
This card is essentially a stripped down version
of Wild Card except it is not limited to Elrics.
There are a couple of good things about this
card. First off, it being a 7 cost means any
level 2 leader can use it. Second, it has the
armor keyword and the only other armors that are
really worth putting in is Antique Armor so
you’re not faced with too huge of a decision.
The +1 Wits is not so bad either, it never hurts
to have more wits, though it is more of just an
add-on bonus than anything.
What hurts this card is the 5 strength
requirement meaning not all level 2 leaders can
play it for free, especially when looking at
Elrics. The other downside is it only cancels
abilities targeting the character and not events
like Wild Card does. However it does help out
against some of the more popular board control
cards such as Yoki, Corrupt Lieutenant, Caine,
Not Who Rose Thinks, Rose, Hapless Pawn, Mugear,
Land Baron and Father Cornello, Lust’s
Ringbearer to name a few.
Ultimately, it is a decent card with a good
ability, but not something that can be splashed
into every deck.
-Decent cost (cheapest one so far this week)
-Great defense against Homonculus/Military board
-Not many other great armor keyword attachments
-Non-unique means you can stick them an your
most important characters
-Ability is not free for all leaders and
-Situational, useless against decks that don’t
require targeting your characters
Sealed:3/5-Every level 2 leader can attach for
free and helps stop the anti-pumps.
Constructed:3/5-Good choice if you have the
strength to run it, just don’t splash it in
every deck.
Gaboury |
Tribal Mask
Once upon a time there was an Item that stopped
you from being touched. It was good. Then there
was an Armor that protected you from.. one
It may be an armor (giving you your item spot
for many other good items), but Tribal Mask
lacks even as a start for In the Flesh and costs
1 more than Trusted Advisor.
The one wit boost is ok, but being ability that
it cancels (React Strength 5: is atleast a low
cost), I thought of some that it could prevent:
Yoki, Corrupt Lieutenant
Lust, Torturer
Scar, Ishbala's Avenger
Scar, Stalker
Assorted "set" Homunculus allies
If Homunculi are big in your area and you want
to stop their setting, use Trusted Advisor.
Limited: 4/5 If you get this in sealed, your in
good shape. At 7 cost you can EE at level 1, get
the +1 wits and a cheap ability cancel.
Constructed: 2/5 Good for beginner's decks.. and
thats about it.
Charstar |
Tribal Mask
7-cost armor attachment.
React Strength 5: Cancel an ability targetting
this character.
A new armor card from Alchemist's Gate, Tribal
Mask is the mask that Mason put on when he
scared the Elric brothers during their initial
Alchemy testing for Izumi.
In the FMA-TCG, Tribal Mask is simply a mask.
Not too many abilities directly target a
character, and their are better cards to provide
a similar ability.
However, if the item spot is too coveted in your
deck to even consider playing Trusted Advisor,
this card makes a for a decent second place.
At least it gives Wits boost-age.
Sealed: 3/5 - This is nice in sealed, because of
ability and its boost. Oh yeah, it's an armor,
so you
shouldn't clash too much.
Constructed: 2/5 - You lose some usefulness in a
format where Trusted Advisor can be used much
more effectively.
the Crescent Moon Alchemist
Jared Harmon, Crescent Moon Alchemist
State Alchemist, Connersville, Indiana
"Sanest choice in this insane world...
Beware the beast, but enjoy the feast he offers"
- Nightwish, Beauty of the Beast