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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

ffseriesfan |
Liza Hawkeye,
7 cost Military
Human * Soldier
While defending, your Roy Mustang gets +2
strength and cannot be defeated.
A MUST have in a Roy Mustang deck. Run 3 for
Her passive effect makes Roy crazy good since
you can just send up Roy and you won't have to
worry about being defeated :D She also has great
stats and again with Hakuro, she gets +1/+1
making her 6/7/0. Even if you're not using Roy
as your leader, you can still use Sharpshooter
if you're running Roy. Her awesome stats can
help out during the search phase and you can
protect your Roy.
Her cost is a little high, and if you're running
Admin and they are too... you can't recruit her.
This shouldn't pose too much of a problem, but I
think the
7 cost is well worth the stats and effect.
Rating: 4.8/5 for Roy decks and 4/5 for other
Military decks.
A must for Roy decks and it can help out in
Military ones as well.
Liza Hawkeye,
This card is decent, but if you must have Liza,
please play Full of Advice. This card has
potential, but only if your playing with a Roy
Leader. Her stats are just +1wits above Full of
Advice and she only gives your leader the boost.
What is unique about her is that your Roy Leader
is safe from any Main phase battles because her
effect is constant. What I dislike is that she
is a 7cost, which means you have to wait to Lv
up, but there are plenty of better 7cost allies
out there, especially military.

Welcome back
ott he FMA COTD!!! Today on out chopping block,
Liza Hawkeye, Sharpshooter!
Faction: Military
Cost: 7
Strength: 5
Wits: 6
Alchemy: 0
Ability: While defending, your Roy Mustang gets
+2 strength and cannot be defeated.
Keywords: Human, Soldier
SOMEBODY LOVES ROY!!!!!!!!!!!! moving right
This card is more costly than Monday's card, but
if used in junction with Roy Mustang makes him a
shield. Thats the card's only use. Period.
Nothing else to write home about, there are
better cards to use than this, Like Monday's
card. At least, that one can other than this
one's PRECIOUS Mustang.
Rating: 2/5... bleh.
The Frost
Alchemist |
Riza Hawkeye,
7 Cost--Military Faction
5 Strength--6 Wits--0 Alchemy
"While defending, your Roy Mustang gets +2
strength and cannot be defeated."
Stat Wise: Average. The 6 wits is nice though.
Effect Wise: If you run a Roy Mustang leader
deck, then this card should be in it! Riza
pretty much makes your Roy Mustang invincible
while he isn't attacking. It's even better if
you're running a Strength deck, but not
The Downside: This ally will ONLY help Roy
Mustang. She doesn't help out any other
character (herself included). Sure she can help
your Roy Mustang ally (if you're not running the
leader), but it's not as useful. So, if you run
Military deck that isn't Mustang, I strongly
recommend going with Ambidexrous Bodyguard or
Full of Advice if you're running a 7 command
level 2.
Final Word: Again, if you're running Mustang,
this ally is awesome. If not, then you probably
want to run one of the other Riza allies.
I give Riza Hawkeye, Sharpshooter a 3 out of 5