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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

ffseriesfan |
Maes Hughes,
6 cost Military
Human * Soldier * Hero
While Maes Hughes is attacking, he gets +2
strength and +2 wits.
Another fantastic 6 cost military ally... and
it's a common ;)
The 6 cost is nice because you can recruit or
start him with a 6 command leader on the field.
Since he's a Hero, it seems that Roy Mustang, is
the only military leader than can recruit him
(until we get more later on). Being a soldier
and military, he receives a +1/+1 from Hakuro,
is searchable with Reinforcements AND can equip
Military Commission (so you can reset him).
While he's attacking, he's 7/7/0... wow... Those
stats are nuts early in the game and that's not
taking into account any boosts that he might get
from Hakuro or from a baby at home (yay).
Some drawbacks are... that he's a hero, so you
can't use him in all decks (not even all
military decks).
This doesn't really limit things, but it loses
some playability. Also, he only gets the +2/+2
while he's attacking. If you're not the active
player, Maes might be attacked first before
having a chance to attack. His stats are still
pretty high, but it's nowhere near as good as
7/7/0. Another thing is that he has no alchemy
so if your Roy Mustang deck is more alchemy
based, Maes might not be so useful in Alchemy
locations since... he can't do much except count
towards the goal (assuming if he's not defeated
Rating: 3.5/5
A good card and I use it in my Roy deck, but it
can be useless in the wrong locations.
Maes Hughes,
Wow. The week keeps getting better as we go. A
soldier with 5/5/0 is great
for a six drop. With Hakuro he's 6/6/0 and wile
he's attacking he's
+2/+2/+0. That is an attacker of 7/7/0 or 8/8/0
with Hakuro. So if you have
a non-Hughes leader this is an obvious ally
Maes Hughes,
6 cost
OK. This card can easily be a staple for
aggressive military decks. He can easily be a
7.7.0 in battle for your leaders 1st level and
that can not easily be stopped. As a matter of
fact, almost no 1st level ally dropper can stop
him when he attacks.
With Lisa, Maes, Shou, and all those strong
military allies you can drop 1st turn, military
is a force you dont want to fight with. If you
have enough wits to go 1st, you will definately
be killer off your opponent.

Lets keep the
ball rolling here at "Maes Hughes" week with
Maes Hughes, Aggressive!
Faction: Military
Cost: 6
Strength: 5
Wits: 5
Alchemy: 0
Ability: While Maes Hughes is attacking, he gets
+2 strength and +2 Wits
Keywords: Human, Soldier, Hero
For his cost, the body he had isnt too bad. His
ability make him beefy, but does NOTHING to
benefit the others. But cards like this define
"AGGR0" in FMA. If you are going aggr0, play
him, if not, there are other choices.
Rating 3/5: AGGR0 HUGHES!!!!!!!!!!
Maes Hughes -
Cost - 6
While Maes Hughes is Attacking, he gets +2
strength and +2 wits.
I think that this card is okay, but I think that
the superspy is better, plus, the spy lets you
look @ your opponent's hand gets +x depending on
whether or not you guess right. . .
The Frost
Alchemist |
Maes Hughes,
6 Cost--Military Faction
5 Strength--5 Wits--0 Alchemy
"While Maes Hughes is attacking, he gets +2
strength and +2 wits."
Stat Wise: Pretty average stats for a 6 cost.
Effect Wise: Maes Hughes allies always seem to
shine when they're attacking, and this one is no
exception. While attacking, Aggressive is a 7
Strength 7 Wits fighter. Tack on Hakuro, General
and you've got a 8/8/0 attacker. For a
6 cost ally, that's not shabby at all. And if
you happen to run Elysia Hughes, Beloved
Newborn, then Maes can get an additional boost
and become a 12/8/0 (combined with Hakuro)
attacker or a 10/6/0 (combined with Hakuro)
The Downside: Well, you have to attack to get
his effect. So, if you're defending with Maes, I
hope you have some pumps in your hand. On top of
that, his stats are very average--there are a
couple of 6 cost allies that can best him in
strength, and a few that can beat him in wits.
Final Word: Pros and cons taken into
consideration, this Maes is pretty well balanced
and has a very useful effect. This is the
perfect Maes Hughes ally to run if you run a
Military deck. The only other Maes ally you
might want to run instead is Superspy, and I
would only run him if I were playing with an 8
command leader.
I give Maes Hughes, Aggressive a 4 out of 5.
The Frost Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist TCG