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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

ffseriesfan |
Maes Hughes,
Senior Investigator
9 command Level 3 Military
Human * Soldier * Hero
React wits: Redirect an action targetting one of
your characters to another legal target.
I absolutely LOVE this card (and a lot of people
do too :D)
The effect is absolutely wonderful and...
They try to set one of your characters... set
their's instead. They try to use Intimidation on
your character... send it back to them. They try
to attack your weaker character... have them
attack someone stronger :p So many options with
this awesome and powerful effect. His stats are
decent and 9 command is pretty nice since you
can recruit just about any ally you want (of
course with the exception of the some of the
higher cost ones). With Hakuro on the field...
Catch the Train is free! 9/9/0 is definitely
something to be scared of AND with that ability
still on the field... your opponent has their
work cut out.
A few limiting factors about the card... the
effect is wits (which makes sense). Since people
usually run Pressures, the effect can be
countered. This doesn't make the effect less
powerful, but you might have to watch out for
that. I think with the new level 3 Hughes coming
out in the next set (the one with stealth and
the react canceller), this card will see less
play. This card is awesome, but compared to the
new one coming out... it seems less so.
Rating: 4.5/5
I like this card a lot and it's a good card, but
it might see less play.
Long live Hughes!!... Of course that statement
doesn't make any sense :p
Maes Hughes,
Senior Investigator
Until AHP brings us Hero of the Day this is the
obvious leader choice. 8/8/0
and redirects an effect once per turn. You can
move there pump to your
character, reverse the set onto them and so many
other things. So play him
as the militaries controlling level 3.
Maes Hughes,
Senior Investigator
LV3 leader
In the first few sets, this man was the main Lv3
Hughes leader. Because his effect is very good
and he can potentially save one of your allies.
Too bad this leader is no longer than powerful.
With Maes Hughes - Workaholic
who can take a search action first, and Maes
Hughes - Hero of the Day who can cancel a react
and attack a character at home, Senior
Investigator is easily dominated. This card had
his ups, abut after the new sets, hes going

TODAY IS FRIDAY ON "Maes hughes" WEEK!!!!! lets
end with a bang here and look at Maes Hughes,
Senior Investigator.
Faction: Military
Level: 3
Command: 9
Strength: 8
Wits: 8
Alchemy: 0
Ability: REACT WITS: Redirect an action
targeting one of your characters to another
Keywords: Human, Soldier, Hero
Command and body is awesome for a Level 3. His
ability is fun to toy with, cuz when they stone
wall someone.... BAM, retarget one if their
guys... that is fun stuff.
Rating: 3.4/5: a fun Level 3, worth a shot.
Maes Hughes -
Senior Investigator
Command Points - 9
Leader Level - 3
React Wits: Redirect an action targeting one of
your characters to another legal target.
I think that this a good Hughes lvl 3 but not as
good as Hero of the Day or Workaholic, don't get
me wrong I think that Hughes is the 3rd best
Leader, (2 being Psiren 'cause of Folk Hero and
#1 Being Roy 'cause of Master Manipulator) but
there are just too many good lvl 3 Hughes' to
choose from, but I think that this one is really
good against Homunculi because the Homunculi
decks that I play use a lot of things along the
lines of intimidation, meuger - land baron, and
lust - cloaked stranger.