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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
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Greed, Carefree Sin
Alchemist's Gate
Reviewed August 25, 2006
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
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Lionhart |
Hey, I'm a new
COTD reviewer, and my forums name is Lionhart.
Here's my review for Greed, Carefree Sin.
Greed, Carefree Sin
Command: 7
Level: 2
Faction: Rebel
Strength: 6
Wits: 6
Alchemy: 0
Toughness: 2
Search Strength 8: Reset Greed.
Well it's my first review and hey! I'm Lionhart
on the boards. Well to the point. Greed now has
leaders thanks to Alchemist's Gate! Decent
stats, and I'm loving Toughness: 2. His effect
is great, a reset for 2 EE or one to none if you
have an attachment(s). This is the ONLY Level 2
Greed has so... yeah. His 7 Command is good, and
since he's a rebel, you can do the Militias,
Scars, Raw Firepower, and alot others I'm
forgetting. This is why I like Greed, he's a
Sin, but Rebel! So awsome. You don't want to
stay on his Level 1 (Heavy Drinker) for long, so
team-up with a Poilceman to get to Carefree Sin.
You can do alot with Greed, in fact... I'm
making a Greed deck. This card is vital for
EVERY Greed deck, duh!
Final Judgment on Greed, Carefree Sin:
Greed: 5/5 (He's the only Level 2 and his effect
is decent.)