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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Black Hayate,
Dog of the Military
As many of you already know, this is by far my
favorite card in Seven Deadly Sins. Despite my
own attempts (and believe me, there were many),
to make the old Black Hayate, Mascot powerful
enough to see competitive play, it really just
couldn't be done. There was nothing it could do
that something else couldn't do better. Really,
the only thing it was good for in the long run
was wasting one of your opponent's search
actions or a cancel getting rid of him.
However, Dog of the Military is a very different
beast. It has decent stats, especially with it
being a soldier thanks to Hakuro, and an ability
that is actually useful in number of ways. Dog
of the Military opens up the ability to use
Familiarity if you don't mind looking at your
own cards and not filtering, allows you to avoid
certain locations coming up, or make sure
certain ones do. Additionally, you can deny your
opponent of key cards in their deck, if it
happens to be the top card.
Although Hayate has a very difficult to meet-
and flavorful- restriction, it still is useful,
even if only in a Hawkeye deck.
Personally, I'm hoping for a low cost Hawkeye (2
or less) to start with Hayate at some point.
Either way, I expect Dog of the Military to be
as competitive as Liza Hawkeye ends up being as
a leader, although only time can truly show
those results. Overall, it is a strong card, but
the restriction does hurt its playability.
Sealed: 2/5 (pretty low, unless you miraculously
have all liza leaders, it's pointless.)
Constructed: 3.5/5 (It pains me to do this, but
Black Hayate is narrow in where it can be
Darktaro |
More Seven
Deadly Sins cards this week! So today let's take
a look at Black Hayate, Dog of the Military.
It's only the second Black Hayate card since the
days of Blood and Water and it's by far a much
more viable option for a Military deck. At 4
cost, it's enough to drop at level 1 and at
higher levels it's enough cost to be able to
drop another small ally or an advantage in the
same turn. Interestingly enough it has the
solider keyword which makes it eligible for
Military cards that target solider allies. A
good example is Hakuro, he pumps Black Hayate up
to a 5/4/0 and after that Black Hayate could use
Suppressing Fire possibly bringing him up to a 7
strength, not bad for a dog.
It's ability gives you a lot of options for some
techy actions. You can simply use it to
manipulate your draw. Using Policeman on your
first turn? You can see look at the top card of
your draw deck to see if you want to lose it or
not. You can use it to run Familiarity instead
of the previously use Sheska so you can still
know the top card of your deck without having
your opponent know it as well. If you are
playing the location next turn, you only need 2
points to win, and you know that your location
pile has one more 1 point location in it? Look
at your location deck and make sure it isn't
that 1 point location. Alternatively is your
opponent playing Familiarity? Make sure they
don't know what the top card with the ability.
They only need 2 more points to win? Try to
ensure that their next location is a 1 point.
Of course the downside is that you need Liza
Hawkeye in play for this card to even be played,
so it defintely loses some points because you
can't just splash it in any deck. It's a great
start with Liza as your leader, but you give up
having Hakuro in play at the start of the game.
It's a ally with multiple uses and a lot of
variety in how you choose to use it.
Sealed:2/5-Unless you pull Liza as your leader,
this card is dead weight.
Constructed:3/5-Loses points because you need
Liza in play.