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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Philosopher's Stone
The Philosopher's Stone is (apparently) the
first of a strange new card type similar to
advantages. I have no idea what the future
(namely sacrifice) will have in store for this
card, or even if there will be others in its
card type, but right now The Philosopher's Stone
really isn't very interesting.
You can play it during the recruit phase if you
have 3 clue points, and it's a free +1 battle
pump. For constructed, that's a huge waste of
space, although it is a neat card. Right now, it
would be better to stick with advantages like
Raw Firepower, The Shadow Government, and A
Hero's Passing if you want to alter the way
battles end.
In sealed, however, The Stone is a very powerful
card. A free pump a turn if definetly nothing to
sneeze at in a format revolving around the
battle phase. And since it's such an easy play,
there's no reason not to use it.
Sealed: 5/5 (Play it, there's no logical reason
not to.)
Constructed: 2/5 (This may go up when sacrifice
releases. I hope so,
Darktaro |
The last card
we're going to look at today is The
Philosopher's Stone. A bit of a preview card of
sorts, this is a new type of card that is kind
of like an Advantage. You play it during the
recruit phase, but it has no inherent cost
associated with it. Rather you must have won
clue points equal to the cost of the stone, in
this case you would have needed to win 3 points
worth of locations. Once it is in play you can
use it's ability once per turn.
As this card stands with the current set it is
pretty useless. It definitely has some cool
factor associated with it but only being able to
give a +1 pump is fairly insignificant. Why not
put in a Boot to the Head or Loving Memory
instead, which give you much better bonuses.
Guess we'll have to wait until the next set to
fully see what these Philosopher Stone cards can
really do.
Sealed:4/5-I can see it having some use here as
your card pool is limited.
Constructed:1/5-Aside from the interesting
concept, there are much better options.