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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Basque Grand,
Tucker's Patron
Unfortunately, Basque has never been a very
playable leader. His 8-command is so horrible it
makes me laugh (seriously, even my favorite card
has more wits than him), and his other 7-command
really isn't very good.
Tucker's Patron is probably his only saving
grace. The ability to play lots of big
attachments very quickly is always nice, but now
we have Frank Archer, Confiscator, Aflame,
Prison Guards, Spear, Artistic Alchemy, etc.
etc. all running around. Of course everyone
loves big stats, and lots of allies with
powerful attachments like The Armstrong Family
Gloves, but Basque is very vulnerable, and even
running multiple Repair Job, Cage, and Trusted
Advisors doesn't help enough to negate that.
Basque is a fun deck, but I don't think he's
really ready to be competitive quite yet, the
attachment hate will have to drop in playability
for that to happen, and I truly doubt that will
happen as long as Spooky Shadows is a prominent
card. The new 6-command is a boost, but it will
take time.
Sealed: 4/5 (Depends on the format, honestly. In
speed draft he's amazing just because of his
high base stats, but beyond that you have to be
actually playing Basque Grand.)
Constructed: 3/5
Darktaro |
Today we're
reviewing Basque Grand, Tucker's Patron. In
comparison to his other level 2 leaders, he
ability paves the way for some very interesting
combos. Let's quickly talk about his other level
2's. Ruthless Commander is an 8 command which is
nice, but fairly weak stats at 5,2,4 and an
ability that is fairly useless and requires you
to sacrifice an ally. His other 7 command is
Conscienceless Officer, also fairly weak stats
in comparison to Tucker's Patron. The lower
attribute cost on Vile events is nice and his
effect is essentially a reverse version of
Claire, School Teacher. However I think Tucker's
Patron still outshines these both.
Basque Grand has always been a leader that has
been focused on heavy attachments. Tucker's
Patron allows you to play attachments like Noble
Cause, Privileged Position, 1.5'' Culverin, and
Armstrong Family Gloves for free. So it's easy
to give him some very beefy stats. In addition
it allows you to play your high cost attachments
on your lower cost allies for free as well! My
personal favorite is Military Commission on
Hakuro, ensuring it is safe from destruction.
With the new 6 commander leader, Army of One you
can start putting some of your higher cost stuff
from turn one.
The downside to this leader is it's too easy to
become too reliant on attachments and it only
takes one Aflame, Prison Guards or the new 5
cost Augment Frank Archer to see all your hard
work go down the drain. Also many Homonculus
will have ways of setting or not letting your
characters assign to the search party so that
might make him a dead weight as well. Tucker's
Patron is probably the best out of the other
options, just make sure to run those Repair
Sealed:3/5-Decent stats, and allows you to play
pretty much every attachment you pull.
Constructed:2/5-Can become a powerful force, but
it doesn't take much to stop him. Military has
better and more consistent leaders.