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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Basque Grand,
The Iron Blood Alchemist
For such a minor character, Basque sure has a
large number of level 3s. There are 3 of them,
which is strangely only one less than Alphonse
Elric. However, when it comes to playability,
Basque's level 3s are pretty lacking.
Butcher of Ishbal is ok, it digs deep and can
filter. Evil Schemer is probably the best one
just because it actually has decent stats. The
Iron Blood Alchemist may well be the worst one,
although it is my favorite. Being able to cancel
two battle events is powerful (along side Alex
Louis Armstrong, Strong and Beautiful), but
there isn't enough of a stat boost to actually
have much of an incentive to level.
You're better off using abilities like those on
Roy Mustang, Sarcastic and Blood and Water to
stick around level 2 and deal some extra damage.
Sealed: 2/5 (If you are somehow playing Basque
and need a level 3, it's ok.)
Constructed: 2/5.
Darktaro |
We finish up
Basque Grand week with a look at one of his
level 3 leaders, The Iron Blood Alchemist. At 10
command he has access to 10 cost Military allies
if you so choose to run them. His stats, 6/6/5,
are pretty standard as far as 10 command leaders
with all 3 attributes. There isn't much to say
about Basque Grand's level 3 leaders. His 9
command, Evil Schemer, has beefier stats at
8/6/7 and might be the only reason to run him as
building a strict 5th lab deck may still be
awhile off from being totally effective. His
other 10 command Butcher of Ishbal, has slightly
lower attributes at 5/5/6, but lets you
manipulate your card draw.
The Iron Blood Alchemist has a pretty good
ability letting you cancel a battle event or
ability, thus making him similiar to Alex Louis
Armstrong Strong and Beautiful. Being able to
cancel 2 battle events can be brutal to your
opponent. Although 6/6/5 is pretty standard for
level 3 leaders with all three attributes, with
Military decks you will most likely be making a
strength or wits build and may get beat out in
attributes by other leaders who's focus is
strength like Scar, Wits like Envy, or any
Alchemy Elric deck. Basically if you want a
leader who will be able to stand up in battle I
would recommend using Evil Schemer. Losing the
one command shouldn't be a big problem as most
people max out their recruit with 8 cost allies.
If you do like The Iron Blood Alchemist, I
suggest running locations with more than one
battle type so in most cases you'll always have
one attribute that is better than your
opponent's focus.
Sealed:1/5-If you pull Basque Grand's 1 and 2
great! If not, dead weight.
Constructed:3/5-Any of his level 3's are worth
playing, but need to be treated very