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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Darktaro |
Today we're
looking at Loving Memory. Loving Memory is part
of the trio of dual event pump/anti-pump cards.
Loving Memory is nice because, along with Boot
to the Head probably, it has the most
playability in most decks. It is a great
replacement for Intimidation since it has the
same –2 effect, but also has the option of
giving you a +3 wits pump. The dual purpose of
the card helps make it a card that you can use
for any battle type.
Obviously this card fits great into a wits deck,
but other decks can see use for it as well. In a
deck where strength or alchemy is your focus but
you're not totally lacking in wits, it can be
the deciding factor going against an all wits
deck. Also not every deck will want to run
pumps, so Homonculus decks for example focus so
much on hand and board control that they should
be able to win without pumps by limiting what
their opponent can do. Overall a solid event and
probably one of the best dual event cards from
Seven Deadly Sins.
Sealed:4/5-Any kind of battle pumps=good in
Constructed:3/5-Depending on your deck you may
want to go with Boot to the Head or Display of
Power instead.
See everyone in 2007!