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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Another great event. Tap a character that won't
be very useful in the search party to use an
opponents character or sacrifice it for another
effect (i.e. Basque ally). So really this card
is really good. So with that I will have to say
that this is one of the BEST cards for the
homunculus control.
4/5 for homunculus control
Persuasion and Sneak Theif are (in my mind at
least), the only two real "control cards" in
Fullmetal Alchemist. Although discard is nice,
and setting is very annoying, only persuasion
and sneak theif truly mess with an opponents
side of the board directly, simply because
point-removal with little restriction is too
powerful in a game where having nothing is a
means of losing.
Gaining control of your opponent's cards allows
for a powerful game disruption that can easily
cost your opponent the game, and also calls for
many bizzare and "what if" rules questions as
well. As is, it is still a powerful effect that
becomes difficult for your opponents to deal
with, especially since it's unlikely that htey
want to defeat their own character.
Faction-wise, this is obviously best played in a
homunculus deck, where there are many
readily-accessible cards to meet the
requirements. Some cards will also have
additional beneficial effects that set in the
mainphase, so they aren't as important
I can't say I'd expect Persuasion to be
splashed, but I suppose it could be done. It
will be interesting to see if "Rainbow" is ever
one of the strongest archetypes.
Rating- 4.5/5
Miller1119 |
0 Cost Wits Event
May only be played by a Homunculus character.
Main Wits Set this character: You gain control
of target ally with cost lower than this
character’s cost until end of turn.
Ah, my FAVORITE card from Blood and Water. This
card should be called Disruption, because unless
your opponent can cancel it, they will probably
lose the current location. Unless, however, the
player using this card doesn’t play it
correctly, in which case, it is still a card
that helps, but will cause far less Disruption.
I hate to quote Yu-Gi-Oh! G/X but using a card
and playing a card are two totally different
things. This isn’t a card that requires it to be
played correctly; anytime you get to take
control of a character it is always a plus in my
The GOOD of this card, is in and of itself, it
merely requires you run Homunculus characters.
Not a big deal, there are plenty to choose from.
Lust, Foolish Pawns, Father Cornello, Envy,
Gluttony, Mugear, and many others can easily
take control of your opponents best Ally.
The BAD of this card, is, well, non-existent. I
feel this card is overpowered if anything.
Overall, this card is beyond good…quite possibly
Casual Play 5/5: It is very fun, use it.
Tournament Play 5/5: If your leader is
Homunculus, you use this, plain and simple.
This is a suprise that nobody wants to get hit
by. Imagine the advantage of being able to use
this card first turn and take control of your
opponent's policeman. Being able to take control
of an ally of your choice can only be a plus.
This is also a good card in the late game
because your opponent either choose to kill off
his ally, or let you win the location.