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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
The Armstrong
Family Gloves
The Armstrong Family Gloves are undoubtedly one
of the most powerful attachments in the game.
They aren't unique, take up a less used
(although this is debatable) item slot, provide
an attribute pump of 3, and have an amazing
effect. All of those combine into what is a
solid attachment, which has the *minor* downside
of being a 10 cost attachment.
The ability on the armstrong family gloves is in
what my mind truly makes them great (noble cause
gives 3x the stat boost). Use Challenge the Sun
with the Gloves and you can take out any ally on
the field.
Better yet, combine them with Scar, Alchemist
Hunter to get teh effect every turn. This should
be more useful at this time with more powerful
allies like Denny Bloch, Easily bored and Lyra,
Budding Talent floating around.
The stat boost is fairly strong as well. Any
military or rebel deck will quickly make a ton
of use of it, although Elric and Homunculii
decks might not find the boost quite as commonly
Overall, the gloves are solid and deserve a good
Rating: 4/5.
The Family
Armstrong Gloves
10 Cost (attachment)
+3 Strength
Allies defeated by this character are placed in
their owner's discard pile instead of being
A great rare from the Blood and Water set. +3
strength and an awesome effect.
Being able to place characters in the discard
pile rather than being defeated limits your
opponent's options and gives you field presence.
This card can be scary when equipped on a
powerful character.
Even though the card gives a strength bonus, as
long as the card is attached to a character, no
matter what the battle is (either strength, wits
or alchemy), the character will be placed in the
discard pile.
What's also great about the card is that it
isn't a unique so you can have more than one on
the field (also helps if you sneak thief it from
your opponent).
Since this card is an item... you can equip it
along with Father Cornello's Chain Gun... or
other weapons/armor/auto-mail/marks.
Some downsides... again the cost is high so this
card would be more useful later in the game when
you have your higher command leaders out. Though
some leaders have 8 command at level 2 and
giving up 2 cards for equivalent exchange might
be worth it depending on the situation.
Rating: 4.5/5
Very versatile and the huge strength boost is
something to fear when facing against this card.
That's it... thanks guys :D