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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

ffseriesfan |
Noble Cause
12 Cost (attachment)
I figured I would chip in since I picked the
cards for this week.
I absolutely love the chase version of this
card! (I hope it's the picture you see up top).
I'm sure a lot of people like it too :D The
picture shows one of my favorite scenes from the
anime and I'm glad that Joyride made that scene
into a card.
So, a card that gives you +3 to every attribute
is phenomenal! I mean, how could gaining a bonus
that large not be good? It can turn your weaker
characters into strong powerhouses that can make
a difference in a search party. Also, since the
card is an oath, you can also attach other
attachments with different keywords.
The problem with this card is... the high cost.
Even if you want to attach this card to a weak
character, you'll have to give up a lot of cards
for equivilent exchange in order to attach it.
Unless you're running The Armstrong Technique,
Reflections or Stray Kittens, expect to give up
a lot of cards to attach this card.
Also, Artificial Human has a lot of cards that
focus on attachment destruction and attaching
this card might be a waste if your opponent
destroys it.
Rating: 2/5
+3 is awesome, but the cost is too high in my
Noble Cause
A +3 to all attributes attachment isn't bad.
Sadly Tucker's Patron is the only Leader that
can play it before level 4 without ee. I can see
this in the tucker deck but that's it. Well
that's all I can say.
3.5/5 Tucker's Patron Deck
1.7/5 everywhere else

Noble Cause:
Noble Cause is the biggest attachment in
Fullmetal Alchemist, providing the largest total
stat boost (9!), and having the largest cost of
any attachment in the game. Being a 12 cost
attachment is huge downside, despite granting a
huge advantage, although overall the card could
be playable.
As a non-faction specific attachment, Noble
Cause can technically be used in any deck.
However, I would certainly not recommend this,
as I beleive it would be an extremly foolhardy
decision. There is one leader who can play Noble
Cause at level 2 with no Equivilent Exchange,
and that's Basque Grand, Tucker's Patron.
Tucker's Patron gets extremly large with Noble
Cause (being boosted up to a 9/8/8), and
although you can't attach any more due to it
being unique, you can still attach more common
attachment types with a bigger edge. I really
have no desire to go up against a Basque Grand
with The Armstrong Family Gloves, Father
Cornello's Chaingun, and Noble Cause all
With other leaders, cause becomes significantly
weaker. An elric factino leader could probably
swing enough EE before a Burning the Past, but
with Do Our Bidding now in the metagame this
seems like a less plausible option. In theory,
Roy Mustang (with enough experiance
accelerators) could get to level 4 very quickly
with the help of Colonel. But even so, you still
have to utilize Equivilent Exchange to put it
Overall, Noble Cause is very powerful, but all
too accurately costed.
It receives a rank related to both its ease of
use (in decks other than Basque) and overall
power level.
Ranking: 3/5.
Noble Cause
12 Cost Attachment
+3 Strength
+3 Wits
+3 Alchemy
The picture for the non-chase version of this
card is when Ed is in Lab 5 and is being coerced
into making a Philosopher’s Stone by Shou
Tucker. He realizes that he does need the stone
in order to get Alphonse’s original body back to
him. That is his Noble Cause. The chase version
of this card is when Roy Mustang proclaims what
will happen when he becomes Fuhrer, which is to
require all female officers to wear miniskirts.
I guess that could be considered a Noble Cause.
This card has many different pluses to it. Let’s
take the humor plus first, the flavor text of
this card is from a quote by Roy Mustang (on the
chase card only), and it is quite possibly the
reason most people would prefer the chase
version to the non-chase. Another plus this card
holds in store for you is a HUGE boost in stats,
plus-3 to each attribute is by far the best
boost any attachment in this game provides so
With all the pluses their have to be minuses
right? Right. Here’s the most glaring of these
downsides, it costs 12…I don’t know about you
but very rarely do I have a character that can
equip this without EE. Another downside is that
it’s Unique, however your opponent won’t find
that to be a downside at all.
There has to be uses for the card right? Right.
Basque Grand Tucker’s Patron should be the most
standout member of the Noble Cause worthy
characters. He is a 7-command leader who gets +5
command for attachments. Which means he can
attach attachments at up to 12 cost. Perfect for
Noble Cause. Another good card to run for an
attachment heavy deck that runs Noble Cause is
Reflection, because if you are constantly EEing,
you should have less cards than your opposition,
allowing you to simply return the Reflections to
your hand the very next turn.
All in all, this card is a great attachment,
there are only two oaths in this game, this and
Loyalty, and this card wouldn’t be used on
characters Loyalty would, so it shouldn’t
interfere with other attachments. Also, it
provides a nice stat increase, so if you run
large characters and you can EE for this, by all
means run it.
Casual Play: 5/5-Watch your opponent beg for
mercy when this hits the field.
Tournament Play: 4.8/5-Sneak Thief isn’t as big
a problem with this attachment as it is with the
others, since they have to EE when it goes to
their characters, so it fits perfect.