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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Sean Freeman
Edward Elric's
Arm Blade
Type: Attachment - Weapon
Effect: "Unique"
Search Alchemy 7:Discard 1 card. Reset this
This card is one of the many attachments that
you can use to power up your
leaders or allies in the Fullmetal Alchemist
Tcg. I have to say that on a
personal note that I don't care for this card to
much, but it's not about my
opinion now is it? Though there are much better
weapons in this game to be used, this one does
have it's purposes. :)
With a cost! of 7,it's possible to equip this
weapon to a number of characters
without having to use the rule of Equivalent
Exchange. The one big downside to
this item is that besides the +2 strength bonus
it gives, It has to be equipped
to a character with a large number of alchemy to
even serve a real purpose.
The upside is that the one type of deck this
card can work in happens to be
the very person it's named after, Edward Elric.:)
In the right type of alcehmy deck, this card can
cause a number of problems.
One thing that comes to find could be a constant
reset of characters until no
more options remain. This can be done with Edward
Elric, Unbeliever, Alphonse Elric, Loyal Brother,
Pinako Rockbell, Hardnosed Gramma, and this very
card. Although this cannot be done in one phase
of your search phase, if you can manage to put up
a decent defense you could pull off some serious
alchemic hurt on your opponent with this one!
Art: 4/5 (Good pic, but I think this scene could
have been saved for a better card)
Usefullness: 2/5 (As stated above, this card
really only serves it's purpose in one type of
Overall: 2/5 (Not a very good card, but if pulled
off in a certain combo it can be quite useful) |
Belgarion |
Edward Elric's
Arm Blade
Weapon Unique Cost 7
Strength +2 Alchemy -1
SEARCH ALCHEMY 7, discard one card, Reset this
There a few good things about this card. there's
the fact that it can give you plus two strength.
That can be really useful in a strength oriented
is a lot of pepole would rather play other
attachments. there's also the fact that it
lowers alchemy isn't good. Especially when the
ability is based on alchemy 7.
The only deck that can pull that of is Elrics.
The chances that this Weapon being played over
Spear isn't gonna happen soon.
so I am gonna give it a strait forward 5/10 |
Crenshinibon |
Edward Elric's
Arm Blade:
Excluding Pinanko's Tools, most of the unique
attachments in the game are fairly powerful.
From cards like Mark of the Ouroboros (which was
recently changed to become unique in the latest
CRD), to Father Cornello's Chaingun, they all
provide powerful affects in addition to a solid
stat boost.
Edward Elric's Arm Blade really isn't an
exception. With a powerful boost of +2 Strength,
it gives characters more of an edge. That being
said, the decrease in alchemy can really be a
burden, sometimes making it impossible to meet
the card's cost without Equivilent Exchange.
In my mind, this card does best in either a
Rebel deck or an Elric Faction deck. Elrics
obviously benefit from the increased strength,
and can usually take a blow to alchemy while
still being able to use the ability (especially
with alchemy-boosting attachments like
Alchemist's Cadeceus). Unfortunately, Elrics
already have a hard enough time with weapon
attachments, as Spear is arguably the best
weapon attachment in the game, and is usable by
Elrics pretty much throughout the game.
Rebels still have Father Cornello's Chaingun as
a more powerful weapon, and there's no way any
of the Claires or Father Cornello could ever use
the ability. That leaves only Scar and Psiren
decks for the Armblade. Scar can probably use
it, but he has to discard 3 in the process with
Brawler, and so it's slightly less useful than
Father Cornello's Chaingun at that time (just
discard 3 to equip, then use its ability every
turn.) Psiren has an even harder time
effectively using Armblade at level 2, with low
alchemy stats all around (even on trickster,
which has a base of 5 alchemy.)
Overall, the card can be solid, but I have yet
to see a strong use for it with so many strong
weapons in the game already.
Rating: 3.5/5.
Xeverex18 |
Elric's Arm Blade
This card is very good, but with its -1 alchemy,
you mostly need a high alchemy leader to equip
this to. Good in most Edward faction decks,
because you can start off with mother who gives
your leader a +1 alchemy, and you can also equip
Alchemist Caduceus for another alchemy boost to
use this cards effect. The -1 alchemy should not
be a bother because i assume your character will
have a very high alchemy anyways, and the +2
strenght is just top notch. Being able to attack
twice is not something an opponent want to
I give this card a 8.5/10, because this is a
good equipment, but its easy to get around, and
Sneak Thiefable.
Miller1119 |
Elric’s Arm Blade
7 cost attachment
+2 Strength
+0 Wits
- 1 Alchemy
Search Alchemy 7, Discard 1 Card: Reset this
The first card of the day for the FMA section of
Pojo is “Edward Elric’s Arm Blade”. This card is
a very coveted promo, which not many people have
their hands on yet. Anyone who watches Fullmetal
Alchemist knows that Ed breaks out his Arm Blade
a lot, so you would think this card would be a
really good.
The main problem with this card is it requires a
rather beefy character. It requires either a
base alchemy of 8, or another attachment to even
use the effect. The effect is good; don’t get me
wrong, however the requirement to use it is not
an easy task. I personally would rather use
Father Cornello’s Chaingun since it merely
requires you to have 9 strength, while giving
you extra strength toward it.
The main advantage to this card however allows
you to use your beatstick twice; the only other
card to offer such an effect is Assist. The main
deck I see this working in is an Elric leader
deck, more specifically Alphonse, because having
him attack more than once has the ability to win
games. The most used level 2 leader for Alphonse
is Protective Soul, he has a base of 6 alchemy,
combined with Trisha Elric, Supportive Mother,
and he is already at 7. You simply need to find
a way to give him 1 more alchemy to use the
effect and you can take out around 3 of their
characters with Alphonse alone, using his effect
to intercept attacks and attacking twice via the
effect of the Arm Blade.
Overall, this card isn’t the worst equip in the
game, but probably not the best.
Casual Play: 5/5 It can be fun to play with this
card knowing that you can’t win or lose anything
from the match.
Tournament Play: 3/5 I think there are far
better weapon attachments you could use, but you
can pick worse (see Hawkeye’s Pistol).