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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
I've Got The
Alchemy Event Cost 5
BATTLE ALCHEMY 5: This gets +1 strength. If you
win this battle add this card to your hand.
Another card this week I don't think will see
much play. First of the event only gives one
strength. That means that it will only do a lot
if in multiples. But it returns to your hand
after you win so there's a plus. I still don't
think it will have much play.
my rating is 5/10 (yes again)
I've Got the
I've Got the Stones is interesting, to say the
least. It provides card advantage and a winning
combat trick, although the pump is really very
The first question that pops into my head when I
see the card is "what's more important- the card
advantage it gives, or the pump?" To me, it
seems obvious that what we're paying for is the
card advantage, and not the pump. So then, why
would I run it over reflection, which I'm
garunteed to get every turn for equivilent
exchange? Honestly, I'm not sure just one
strength is enough to win battles, and five
alchemy can be hard to swing in Homunculus,
which is the deck that I think would have
benefitted most from this type of card.
As is, I beleive the card is strongest in
Military, which is still largely strength based,
and even Hughes can manage five alchemy with all
the state alchemists running amuck. The card
advantage could (in
theory) be used to pay for things like Run, You
Coward! later, although the consistant pump
makes it a pseudo-attachment as well.
Overall, I have to say the card is mostly
low-ranking for now, butI hope to see it be used
more effectivly sometime in the future.
Rating: 2/5
I've got the
With a 5cost alchemy, for a +1 strenght boost,
this card is not helpful. It is very situational
and what is the possibility that this card can
change the odds of a battle? Remember that the
only way this card can be useful is when you and
your opponent is tied in strength in a strength
battle. There are better events out there, so
stay away from this card!
Rate: 1.5/10
I’ve Got the
5 cost Alchemy Event
Battle Alchemy 5: This character gets +1
Strength. If you win this battle, add this card
to your hand.
Card number 2 for the new FMA section of Pojo is
“I’ve Got the Stones”, yet another hard to find
promo. In the show this refers to when Mugear
finds out Edward and Alphonse weren’t going to
help him research the Philosopher’s Stone. He
put the stones in his Alchemic Gun, which is yet
another card from the Blood and Water expansion.
Personally, I’m a firm believer that
attribute-changing events can win you games.
Since the release of this game many people have
strayed from such events, so if a player were to
reintroduce them in their meta, they could quite
possibly cause some upsets. This is a reusable
attribute-changing card, so obviously I think
fondly of it.
Even the best cards have their problems, which
is a good thing, its keeps people from using the
b-word (broken). First off, this card requires 5
alchemy to boost strength by 1. That requires an
alchemy heavy deck, which most decks that need
strength boosts won’t have.
The good things with this card, is if you run
three and you get them all, you can boost
strength by 3 more than once per turn, if you
use them correctly, however if the battle is
negated via Antique Armor or Bribe, the cards
are gone, so be careful.
Overall I’d say this card is one of the better
attribute changers. So if you got it, play it.
Casual Play 5/5 In this type of play, you can
use this card to see if it can help you in
tournaments, and practice is always good.
Tournament Play 4/5 The fact that we only have
two sets for this game really boosts this card's
I’ve Got The
Battle Alchemy 5: This character gets +1
strength. If you win this battle, add this card
to your hand.
"Didn't think I had the stones?" -Mugear
I think this card is great in alchemy and
strength decks mostly, like Roy, Scar, and
Alphonse. Its not the top line kind of the
event, but still can be used quite effectively
when you have 3 of them in your hand at once.
Can help in situations when in trouble by an
attacking character or you are attacking a
character to overwhelm them.
Can bring back from grave with its ability
The 5 Alchemy cost makes it very expensive and
hard to play when at level 1
Only get +1 Strength when use it and that
doesn’t always win the game
Can’t be used in many forms of decks like
Homonculus, Majhal, and Father Cornello
Sometimes you don’t need only +1 strength
Overall I don’t see it being run in many decks,
maybe a few forms of decks might run it but wont
be great in the end. It Could be used in casual
decks because it might be fun sometimes.
Tournament Play: 2.5/5
Casual play: 3.5/5