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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Sean Freeman
Elric,"The Fullmetal Alchemist"
Type:Leader-Lvl 3
Human - State Alchemist - Hero
Attributes: S-7/W-5/A-7
Effect:"Edward Elric gets +1 alchemy for each of
your other hero characters.
Ok,at first glance this is just another level 3
leader for one of the most
underestimated leaders in the game.Like most
leaders in the game,the one
that has the lowest command (such as a level 1
leader with two di! fferent
levels,one with 5 command and the other with 6)
tends to always have the
better effect.Well,with this card that all
depends on the type of deck
you are running.
With decent attributes for a level 3 leader,I
would recommend using him over
a few of the other Edward Elric leaders out
there as of now.This particular
Edward Elric would work best in an alchemy
themed deck seeing as his effect
mainly revolves around getting his alchemy as
high as possible.
Overall this may not be one of the best choices
for a level 3 in all types of
Edward Elric decks,I say he fits the job
perfectly in an alchemy themed one.
If this card really doesn't appeal to you,then
maybe you should give Edward's
brother Alphonse Elric a shot.I hear he's quite
the powerhouse :).
Card Image:5/5 (Perfect name for the perfect
Usefullness:2/5 (Seeing as this is a leader,it
can only work wi! th one type of deck which is
probably going to be alchemy based)
Overall:3/5 (Good card for an Elric alchemy
deck,really has no other purpose besides his
decent attributes.)
Edward Elric,
The Fullmetal Alchemist
Level 3 leader 9 Command
strength 7 Wits 5 Alchemy 7
Edward Elric Gains +1 alchemy for each of your
other hero character
Now here's my favorite card this week. He is a
leader than gains alchemy for
all your hero allies. Here is the good and bad
+ He gains alchemy witch Elrics excel in He has
powerful stats even
+ without the bonus
- nine command limits character drops
- Only hero allies out now are Alfonse, Huges,
Tim and himself
so all in all an alright leader better than BotS
in Stats but worse with command and ability so
overall 6.5/10
Edward Elric,
The Fullmetal Alchemist:
This leader is interesting, to say the least. It
is an extremly situational card, especially at
this point in time with the game.
Right now, the only heros in the game are:
Edward Elric
Alphonse Elric
Maes Hughes
Majhal (level 1)
Fletcher Tringham, Young alchemist
Russel, Idealist
Marcoh, The Crystal Alchemist
With such a limited base, and some being
leaders, the most pump you can gain is +5, which
is insane. With already high base attributes,
The Fullmetal Alchemist will end up with 12
However, you can figure that you won't have all
of those characters in play when you hit level
3, and it's unlikely that you'll get that high a
on average, I'd expect a bonus of about 2-3
alchemy, which is pushing it. Marcoh isn't a
very strong ally, and fletcher is likely to be
discarded in the earlier stages of the game.
Idealist should probably have you playing Edward
Elric, Shrimp as your level 2, which is fine,
but it makes the deck structure slightly more
off balance. Of course, any Ed deck will run Al,
and Tireless Fighter is still great with this
leader. Hughes probably won't be run, as he has
no alchemy anyway.
Then you also have to measure how this card
competes with Ed's 3 other outstanding level 3s.
Body of the Sanctioned has an incredibly potent
ability, although the stats are on the lower
end. Avenger and Our Hero have incredible stats,
with both having a relevent ability as well.
This leader is decent, but I think more heros
need to be made in order to make it good. It
seems like many of these promos are more leading
up to when the game expands than to right now.
Rating: 3/5.
Edward Elric, The Fullmetal Alchemist
For a Lv3 leader, this card is pretty low on
wits, and his effect is not that great.
Compared to other Lv3 leaders, this card is
terrible. Even thought there are not a lot of
Lv3 Edward choices, your better off with
Edward Elric, Body of the Sanctioned
Rate: 5/10
Edward Elric,
The Fullmetal Alchemist
Level 3 Leader
9 Command
7 Strength
5 Wits
7 Alchemy
Edward Elric gets +1 alchemy for each of your
other hero characters.
The final card for this week is “Edward Elric,
The Fullmetal Alchemist”. A promo? Yes, but
nowhere near as hard to get your hands on as the
other two cards that we reviewed earlier this
week. This card’s picture comes from the fight
Ed had with the Lion Chimera that Father
Cornello released on him.
Since I currently run an Edward Elric Red Water
deck, I think fondly of the protagonist of the
entire FMA series. This card’s stats are pretty
good for a 9 command level 3 with a not so good
The bad side? There are few good heroes in this
game. Alphonse Elric, Maes Hughes, Russell
Tringham, Fletcher Tringham, and Tim Marcoh have
hero allies. Of those, Alphonse and Fletcher are
most suited for an Ed deck. Which leads me to
believe this isn’t the best Level 3 Edward Elric.
There are 2 others, Body of the Sanctioned and
Our Hero. Both are far superior to this Ed. Body
of the Sanctioned has the send home ability and
10 command. Our Hero having higher stats and the
ability to gain experience so you can get to God
Like Power quickly.
The good part is he has a pretty cool picture,
and can have higher alchemy than the other Ed
leaders. Other than that, there isn’t much else.
Overall, this is not a good leader when you have
Our Hero and Body of the Sanctioned as
Casual Play 2/5 It won’t hurt to at least try to
play with him here, but still not great.
Tournament Play 1/5 The worst choice for an Ed
Level 3, can’t say much else.
Edward Elric,
The Fullmetal Alchemist - Leader - Elric Faction
Level 3 - 9 Command
Human - State Alchemist - Hero
Strength: 7
Wits: 5
Alchemy: 7
Edward Elric gets +1 alchemy for each of your
other hero characters
"You are the Fullmetal Alchemist!" -Father
This card isn’t that great compared to Body of
The Sanctioned and Avenger. In my opinion its
not much worse then Avenger but it just a bit of
lower stats and I think the abilities are about
the equal. Body of the Sanctioned is better then
TFMA because 1. Sanctioned has 10 command. 2.
Its ability is much better because you can send
home people which is great. Fullmetal Alchemist
is only better with its better stats. I guess it
could be good if you have many heros in your
deck, but there aren’t many heros in the game
anyways so its hard to get his alchemy very
high. If you like this leader then pick it, but
I would pick Sanctioned over it. Also it cannot
recruit Alphonse, Bodyguard without having
Trisha Elric, Loving Mother in play. Also, the
State Alchemist part helps sometimes with Roy
Mustang, Benefactor with its +1 alchemy. You can
also use it as a beatstick it you put many
attachments on it like spear, The Armstrong
Family Gloves, and Alchemists Caduceus. The only
problems with beatsticks is that then you have
allies that are not that great.
Can get great stats with his ability and already
has good stats
Easily Obtainable because so many were given out
at many events
Can get Higher stats
Can be a beatstick
Does not have 10 command
Outranked by Body of the Sanctioned
Tournament Play: 3/5
Casual Play: 3/5
everybody! My name is BigDaddySkeletor, and this
is my first COTD ever. lets hope it goes over
Today's COTD is Edward Elric, The Fullmetal
Alchemist. This card is a promo given out at
certain conventions like Anime Weekend Atlanta
This is a Level 3 card of Edward, which means
this is a Leader Card. You wont be seeing him
until Mid to Late game usually. Policeman speeds
the proces of getting to him a bit though. He
has a solid command score of 9. He also has
boasts these stats:
7 Strength
5 Wits
7 Alchemy
Although the Wits is rather on the low side,
Edward never really used Wits. Strenght and
Alchemy are rather sturdy for his level.
although some character boast gigher stats. His
affiliations are Human, State Alchemist, and
Hero. pretty basic all around. His faction is
Elric. He wont turn up anywhere else but Elric
decks. His effect reads:
Edward Elric gains +1 Alchemy for each of your
other hero characters.
This ability makes Edward an Alchemic TANK. In a
deck based on relying on battles of Alchemy, he
wont be going down soon. on other decks, all he
can really abuse is Stone Wall... and can pretty
much hit anything he pleases. Outside of the
Elric Alchemy deck, he wont be doing much.
Non-Elric Alchemy deck: 2/5 - He may have some
uses if you can find any.
Elric Alchemy: 4/5 - A rather tricky deck to do,
but he is the mat stick of the deck. so he gets
his high rating here.