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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Edward Elric,
Hero of the People
Ally cost 8 military faction
human-state alchemist-hero
strength 4 wits 5 alchemy 5
Main wits 7: target ally may not assign to a
search party this turn.
A military Edward. My first thought of this card
is who can recruit this before level 3. there
are 3 military leaders. Roy has no real 8
command, Grand is villain so that leaves Huges.
I like the idea of Edward being played with
Military but I don't see this one getting that
much play.
my rating casual: 4.5/5
competitive: 3/5(so sad)
Edward Elric,
Hero of the People:
Although it makes sense from a mechanic
viewpoint, all of the Edward Elric allies except
for this one are Elric Faction. The most potent
of them being Researcher, which almost seems
like it should actually be a military card in
many circumstances.
Well, Hero of the People may not be a free
counter a turn, but it still is certainly a good
card, with an ability that can prove very
troublesome in the long run.
Obviously, Hero of the People is going to have a
hard time being used in non-military decks with
its heafty cost of 8, and Researcher floating
around as well. Roy Mustang can't even play Hero
of the People until level 3 as well, which
essentially just leaves Hughes as Hero of the
People's leader.
Hughes, which will most likely have an 8 command
level 2 for the added bonus of Vato Falman,
Warrant Officer, will glady welcome another
powerful control card to the field. Although
Ed's wits need to be pumped, Hakuro and Lab Gear
both suffice nicely for that, although some
Equivilent Exchange may be required.
Another powerful card, that will likely see more
play as more characters with 8 command
(hopefully a hero mustang) appear.
Rating: 4/5
Welcome folks!
Today's card is Edward Elric, Hero of The
8 Cost
4 Strength
5 Wits
5 Alchemy
Main Wits 7: Target Ally may not assign to a
search party this turn.
For the cost, the body is a bit overpriced. Had
it been 5/6/6 it would have been a good body.
The ability is nice, but without attachments,
you wil be using Equivalent Exchange to get it
off. It can stop a nasty ally your opponent has
from fighting, but you will nedd another way to
get it off the field.
So in the end, we have an overpriced body with a
nest little ability. There are beter Edward ally
cards out there, but this isnt a bad shoe-in.
Rating: 2.5/5
See ya on the Flip side!