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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Spoils of War
Event Alchemy 0
Battle Alchemy: If you win this battle, add
target card from your discard pile
to your hand.
Such a beautiful card. It can recycle any card.
So there isn't much to say.
It rocks. Really you can get back battle events
to win more fights or you, can get allies for
future recruits or just to boost your strategy
and combos further. In any case one of the best
cards to date rating: 4.9/5 (cause no cards
Spoils of War:
This appears to be "powerful promos week" here
at pojos. Spoils of War is, in my opinion, the
second most powerful promo in the game right
now, with the first being Blood and Water.
Spoils is another conditional, but still
universally useful promo that should be run in
most decks. Choosing any card that you have
discarded to return assures that you can use
Equivilent Exchange at least once without worry,
and it can also obtain powerufl cards again like
Do to its low cost, Spoils of War is useable in
any deck that can win a battle, meaning all
current decks. Although I personally find it
most effective in Homunculus decks to recur
cards like Nightmares, Persuasion, and Catch the
Train, it can be used effectivly in any deck
without worry.
Due to its power, Spoils of War receives a
rating of 4.5/5.
TGIF! and you
know what that means! Its time for another card
review! Today, we got
Spoils of War.
0 Cost
Battle Alchemy: If you wi this battle, add
target card from your graveyard to your hand.
This card would be stupid broken if it didnt
ahve a chancy clause. if the battle is in your
favor play it, if not, then dont. Simple as
that. If things go your way, then hey! free card
from ur graveyard. If not, then you just wasted
1 card plus all the other cards in an atempt to
win the battle.
Rating: 3.5/5 when it goes off 1/5 when it
See ya on the flip side