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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
The Frost
Boyd |
Roy Mustang,
Friend of the Fallen
8 Command--Military Faction
Human*Soldier*State Alchemist*Hero
2 Strength--4 Wits--5 Alchemy
"Roy Mustang gets +1 to each attribute while
opposing a villain character in a battle.
Battle Alchemy 7: Change this battle to a battle
type of your choice."
The Rundown: This is Roy's first true 8 command
level 2! His other 8 command leader was
Administrator, but he made all allies cost 1
extra command to recruit. This Roy, on the other
hand, has a great effect. First off, when in a
battle with a villain, he gets +1 to each
attribute. Secondly, he has the ability to
change the current battle to any type of battle
you want. This is a great advantage to have
against almost any deck. It lets you save those
precious Test of Mights or Alchemist Showdowns
for another fight.
The Downside: Well, he has really low Strength.
And his second ability relies on you having
State Alchemist's Watch, Alchemist's Gloves, or
Lyra's Pendant equipped to him or just having a
Lyra's Pendent in play. Otherwise you're looking
at a 2 discard effect. And the last big thing
is....he's a HERO. This means you’re not going
to be able to play any villains with Mustang
except on level 1 or level 3.
Final Word: A very nice improvement on Mustang's
level 2 leaders. Kinda wish he wasn't a Hero
I give Roy Mustang, Friend of the Fallen a 4 out
of 5.