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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

ffseriesfan |
Lead By Example
3 cost (advantage)
When you assign your leader to a search party,
you can assign your set allies to the search
A new advantage card from Artificial Human which
has an interesting effect.
Normally during your main phase, you can set
allies or your leader to do various effects.
However, if you set your allies, you couldn't
send them into the search party since they're
not ready. This card allows for you to utilize
those allies that you set earlier on.
Some combos that I can see is the usefulness in
a mob deck. If you're using mob allies that
require them to set or even if they're set by
your opponent, you can still send them into
battle and use Rally the People to reset them
all and attack. Also, you can use this card in a
military deck if you're using military
commissions. You can set weaker characters to
reset your stronger set characters that were
sent into battle through Lead By Example. With
the Elric faction, you can send up Pinako
Rockbell, Hard-nosed Grandmother to reset some
other Elric faction allies.
Lead By Example also let's you send up
characters to use a wall or to use to simply
meet the requirements to win the location. There
are probably a lot of other combos and
strategies that you can use with Lead By
Some disadvantages of using this card is the 3
Using up 3 command units during your recruit
phase can hinder you from recruiting allies that
you want and can leave you at a disadvantage if
your opponent recruits a strong ally and you
used up your command units on this advantage.
You can look at it another way and see that if
you wanted to recruit an ally first before using
the advantage, it can become a useless card
while you're recruiting allies that you actually
need first.
Overall, it's a card that can be pretty useful,
but it depends on your deck build. Greed, Man
with a Plan helps advantages by lowering the
cost and Lead By Example makes some other
useless cards... more useful (like Elysia
Monolith for military decks).
Rating: 2/5
Pretty good card, but I personally wouldn't use
it unless you have a lot of characters that use
setting main abilities.
Lead By Example
Ok here we go. You send set characters. Soy you
can challenge the sun and Stuff then let them
fight. You can also catch the train then send
them again.
So in you need characters in the search play
2/5 because the set characters can't attack

Lead By
Lead By Example is my favorite advantage in
Fullmetal Alchemist. It helps against Homunculus
control decks, lets you use Challenge the Sun
with little downsides, and allows you to easily
set characters during the main phase. All this
for just 3 command.
Unfortunatly, three command goes a very long
way. Although Lead by Example is powerful, there
is a rather large cost to it, since advantages
don't win the game on their own. Especially with
cards like Denny Bloch (which we'll get to
friday) and Roy Mustang, Administrator, which
are already making command short.
However, many decks benefit all too much from
Lead by Example to be ignored. A Scar-Beatdown
deck (or any other leader) can set their allies
during the search phase wit hcard like Challenge
the Sun and still assign them without using up a
search action. This is indeed a very powerful,
although not very deep, ability.
This should prove to be a strong card in the
future, it seems like it's just waiting to be
Ranking: 4/5
Lead By Example
This card is so much better than black hayate,
that I reviewed before. This card is great
because it is good against Homonculus factions
and for most strenght decks that set their
characters first turn, using special abilities.
There are little to no cards that can set a
Leader so you can almost used Lead By Examples
effect every turn.

Lead By Example
3 Cost Advantage
When you assign your leader to a search party,
you can assign any of your set allies to the
search party.
Ahh…advantages. They are a welcome addition this
great game of Fullmetal Alchemist. Most people
will find trouble putting them in their decks
because they take up command like allies, so
they won’t be able to bring out their big guns
in some cases.
This advantage is helpful in some decks. If you
run homunculus, this can help you assign those
characters you set for Persuasion or Dirty
Tricks. Also if you fight homunculus a lot, this
helps because you can then assign those set by
Mugear, Dirty Tricks, etc. While this advantage
has its, well, advantages, it does however have
some downsides.
If you are playing a deck that doesn’t set your
characters its either dead weight in your hand
or a waste of recruit. In my personal opinion,
there is only one useful advantage. That being
Until more advantages are released, as in A
Hero’s Passing (where the promo for playing in
the prerelease is in fact an advantage, and a
pretty good one at that), they will not be very
useable, excluding of course Escalation, but
that’s a different review.
Casual Play 2.5/5- I’d rather play allies than
waste command on this.
Tournament Play 2/5- Again allies are better
than advantages.