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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

ffseriesfan |
Denny Bloch,
Easily Bored
3 Cost Military
Human * Soldier
Loyal: 2
Recruit Wits Spend 1 command: Target leader gets
-1 command for recruiting.
A lot of people were looking forward to this
card for the sole purpose of using it in a Roy
Mustang, Administrator deck.
Roy Mustang, Administrator has a passive effect
that makes all allies have 1 extra cost. By
having Denny Bloch on the field along with Roy,
Admin, you can effective cut your opponent's
command cost to 6 if they have an 8 command
leader or 5 if they have a 7 command leader.
This restricts a LOT of decks since people
usually have 7-8 recruit characters. Without
them, they can only recruit 6 command allies of
the same faction. Also, by using cards like
Absorption to keep your opponent from leveling
up, you can effectively lock your opponent from
recruiting and win locations by outswarming
With that said... Denny Bloch doesn't belong in
every military deck and probably not in any
other deck at all. Having a loyal: 2 on the card
means that you must have at least 2 other
military faction characters on the field before
you can recruit him. Also, you can't start with
loyal characters so that means you'll have to be
sure to draw one in the beginning. By making
your deck to revolve around the combo above...
you can have all your 6 cost allies out while
having the lock out.
The stats are decent for a 3 cost ally and it
has the soldier keyword so it gets a +1/+1 boost
from Hakuro, General.
Definitely a card to make you cringe when you
see it, but only in the right decks.
Rating: 3/5 in military decks (5/5 in
Admin-Bloch deck... because it's part of the
lock) Doesn't fit in all decks, but it has an
interesting effect.
Denny Bloch,
Easily Borded
Wow. This is one of the best allies military
have. Spending a command to spend an opponents
command doesn't seem like much but with Admin it
makes your command 6 and theres 6-5. So you can
lock them at a recruit less level forever. So
you can play low cost allies and keep on
4/5 with admin
3/5 without admin

Denny Bloch,
Easily Bored:
Bloch is my favorite card from Artificial Human.
He's essentially created a new archetype just by
coexisting in an environment with Roy Mustang,
Administrator, and also is a very powerful card
on his own anyway.
With military being able to have priority fairly
easily, Bloch's main weakness (that his ability
does nothing if you don't have priority during
the recruit step) is easily sidesteppable with
cards like Vato Falman, Plainclothesman,
Wheedling, and Hakuro, General. However, it
should be noted that Bloch can't be used
completely effectivly if you don't have
Bloch happens to have a very large target on his
back that reads "I'm annoying. You should kill
me with Challenge the Sun, Train to Aquroya, or
Curiosity!" Unfortunatly, any deck built around
bloch should run counters to counteract this, or
use another of my favorite cards (although
admittadly it requires Equivilent Exchange)
Trusted Advisor.
With Bloch untargetable, he just bcomes even
more annoying. Compound the lock with absorbtion
and spoils to get it back, and you have a solid
Unfortunatly, you cannot start with Bloch in
play due to the Loyalty rules, and non-military
cannot splash for him. I'm intrigued to see if
Bloch continues to be a problem, or if he
becomes easily outshined by other decks.
Regardless, I still think it's a card that's
very fun to play with, even if you think I'm
sadistic for it.
Rating: 4.5/5
Denny Bloch,
Easily Bored
Denny is obviously good for one reason, and one
reason only! Administrator Lv2. Many Military
are only 5-6cost so being able to take away two
recruit points from your ally every turn can
guarantee that you will stop most cost7 allies
from hitting the field. Combo this up with 3x
absorption and your opponent will never be able
to recruit his allies.

Miller1119 |
Today we review
the most hated card in Artificial Human, Denny
Bloch. He has already started a wave of
archetype decks. They have been dubbed the Bloch
Block. What you do is run Roy Mustang
Administrator as your level 2 leader. You get
out Denny Bloch before level 2 if at all
possible, then watch, as your opponent is
restricted to 6 cost allies (or 5 cost if they
have a 7 command leader). I feel this card makes
Administrator a viable option in deck building.
The mere fact that this combo exists is why most
people run 8 command level 2 leaders, along with
numerous 6 cost allies.
The plus side to this card is obvious. You can
limit your opponent’s entire strategy with this
card. It is by far the most disruptive card in
the game. He has pretty good stats for his cost
as well; 3/3/0 for 3 cost is a nice 2.0 ratio.
Unfortunately he has no real downside, other
than spending your command to lower your
opponents, which isn’t really a bad thing, as
you will see it coming.
Casual Play 5/5: Annoying, but it wins.
Tournament 5/5: See Above.