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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

ffseriesfan |
Alex Louis
Armstrong, Expert Shadow
7 Command Level 2
Human * Soldier * State Alchemist * Hero
Villian allies cost 1 extra command to recruit
React Strength 7: After a character moves, move
target character home.
A chase exclusive from Artificial Human so you
would expect it to be good right? Yup, it’s
definitely good :D
This is THE level 2 to start for ALA. There’s no
level 8 out yet, but this one just beats the
crap out of the other level 2 (which comes in
the starter deck). Both effects are awesome and
the 2nd react can help you utilize train cards
or other abilities from your allies. Use Yoki to
send a character home and react with ALA to send
ANOTHER person home… awesome.
Have Hakuro on the field, Yoki or Juliet
Douglas… and you’re set with a lot of field
control. The first effect… should be self
explanatory since it’s good against Tucker,
Lust, Envy or any other deck utilizing villains.
Stats are a little low, especially in wits, but
the strength helps to make up for it. Run some
Test of Mights to overcome this problem. 7
command isn’t that great… but you’ll have to
deal with it until we get more in the next set.
Another drawback… it’s a chase exclusive…
extremely hard to get.
Rating: 4/5
Both effects are awesome and a must for any ALA
Alex Louis
Armstrong, Expert Shadow
His only good stat is his strenght. Using hakuro
can help boost his stat or just add on a
military commission so he can use his effect.
Juliet Douglas can send people in the search
party so you can combo off that ability with
Alex's, or use run you cowards. Alex is very
good against Villians because -1 command will
screw villians big time and Denny Bloch will be
-2command. I see poential in this card but too
bad it is a 7cost filmstrip.
The Frost
Alex Louis
Armstrong, Expert Shadow
7 Command Military Faction
Human - Soldier - State Alchemist - Hero Level 2
6 Strength 3 Wits 4 Alchemy
"Villian allies cost 1 extra command to recruit.
React Strength 7: After a character moves, move
target character home."
Stat Wise: For a 7 command leader, his stats are
a little below average.
Effect Wise: Wow. 2 useful effects on the same
character. The first one hurts your opponent's
ability to recruit villian allies, which is
great if you're facing off against a Homunculus
deck. And his second effect is as good (if not
better than) Yoki's effect. Now, you don't even
have to spend a
Search Action to move home the character you
want. Add Yoki and Father Cornello's Chaingun in
there and you're got some massive move home
The Downside: Well, his first effect only
targets villians. So, if you're facing off
against another Hero deck, it won't do you a
whole lot of good.
His second effect is good, you just need to find
a way to boost his Strength
(may I suggest Hakuro or Military Commission) by
1 so you don't have to EE every turn in order to
use the effect. And lastly, his stats are a
little below average for a 7 command level 2
leader. I'm guessing Joyride did this to balance
him out.
Final Word: Well, he's one of the more useful
Chase Exclusive cards. And with only one other
ALA level 2 leader, I would run this one if you
can get your hands on him.
I give Alex Louis Armstrong, Expert Shadow a 4
out of 5
The Frost Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist TCG State Alchemist