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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

ffseriesfan |
Alex Louis
Armstrong, Expert Woodcutter
9 Command Level 3
Human * Soldier * State Alchemist * Hero
React Alchemy: Before Alex Louis Armstrong is
defeated, draw 2 cards.
And finally the level 3 ALA. The only level 3
out… so might as well use it right?
Decent stats and 9 command is pretty good. The
even spread of stats definitely makes ALA useful
in just about any location and 9 command can
just about recruit anyone that would be useful.
The effect is… so so, since his stats are high
and it’s unlikely that ALA would be defeated
that easily. Still, it’s nice that you can try
to gain some sort of advantage with having your
leader defeated.
Drawbacks…? The effect. Plain and simple. I mean
it’s ok, but it doesn’t really do much for you.
Being able to draw cards is nice, but you
usually don’t want your leader to be defeated.
Maybe some sort of strength boost would be cool,
but I’d settle with this until something better
comes out.
Sort of a short review… but there’s not too much
to say.
Rating: 2/5
Not too great, but until ALA gets some better
leaders, I would consider running someone else
or maybe stick with Expert Shadow for more field
Alex Louis
Armstrong, Expert Woodcutter
For a lvl3, his stats are not bad at all. You do
not want to use his effect too much because that
would probably mean that you are going to let
him die. Sometimes, you will lose battles
though, so +2 cards in hand is never bad. His
effect could be better, but his stats will
balance out the effect.
The Frost
Alchemist |
Alex Louis
Armstrong, Expert Woodcutter
9 Command--Military Faction
Human * Soldier * State Alchemist * Hero--Level
8 Strength--7 Wits--7 Alchemy
"React Alchemy: Before Alex Louis Armstrong is
defeated, draw 2 cards."
Stat Wise: On par for a level 3 with 9 command.
No complaints here.
Effect Wise: Well, a good strategy with this
effect would be to send only ALA to a location
that you cannot win and have him lose the battle
so you can draw 2 cards and try to get an edge
for the next turn. That's the nice thing about
this effect: if you know Armstrong is going to
lose, at least you're getting some card drawing
from him before he goes.
The Downside: His effect only occurs when he's
about to be defeated. And, there are other level
3 leaders out there with a more useful effect
than this. Still, cards drawing isn't all that
Final Word: Decent stats and a decent effect.
Command doesn't matter too much towards the end
of the game (unless you're trying to get out
those expensive 10 cost allies) so you're good
there. And his effect isn't great, but it is ok.
I give Alex Louis Armstrong, Expert Woodcutter a
4 out of 5.
The Frost Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist TCG State Alchemist