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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

ffseriesfan |
Lyra, Budding
2 cost
React Alchemy: Cancel an event or ability that
draws 1 or more cards.
So we start off factionless week! And these are
some GREAT factionless allies. With no faction,
all leaders can use them without paying a
faction penalty.
This Lyra is definitely one of the better rares
from Artificial Human. It is the cheapest
alchemist with only 2 cost and 2 alchemy. Low
cost, good stats (for the cost) and it can fit
into just about any deck.
Also, being so low in cost, you can start her as
one of your starting allies. With the effect
that she has, you can control what your opponent
does. With Quick Draw, More, Peek Nighttime,
Blood and Water and even Burning the Past
running around, this card can cancel it for
free. Just having this card out limits your
opponent’s options, especially if they don’t
want to waste a card.
Some drawbacks? I really don’t see any. Granted
her stats are low, it’s pretty good for the 2
cost. Maybe later in the game it would hurt you
to have such a weak ally, but you can always
replace her during the recruit step for someone
else that’s stronger.
Rating: 4.5/5
Good effect, cheap, factionless AND she’s an
Lyra, budding
If this is not a staple starter with policeman
in most decks, I do not know what is. For a cost
2 help stats are not bad, and her effect is the
best for a cost2 unaligned besides policeman.
She will be able to stop at least 3 cards in
every deck out there, and she also help stop a
lot of draw power effects. Stop BTP and
Nighttime anyone?
5/5 MY FIRST PERFECT (you won't see these often)
The Frost
Alchemist |
Lyra, Budding
2 Cost--Non-Faction
2 Strength--2 Wits--2 Alchemy
"React Alchemy: Cancel an event or ability that
draws 1 or more cards."
Stat Wise: Fairly weak, but she is only a cost 2
Effect Wise: Here's the money maker. This effect
will kill any deck that relies on draw power.
Got a Quick Draw or More in your hand that you
want to play? Too bad, Lyra won't let you. Want
to use King Bradley, Always on Duty or Vato
Falman, Warrant Officer? Too bad, Lyra won't let
The Downside: Well, Lyra has low stats, so
you'll almost never be sending her into battle
(not even an Alchemy battle). And there's no
real way to increase her stats because she's
such a low cost character. Her effect makes up
for some of this, but if your opponent has
multiple cards in his/her hand that draws cards,
Lyra won't be able to stop them all. Though, she
will make him/her waste one of their precious
draw cards.
Final Word: While her stats are low, she's a low
cost (only a 2) with an all-around useful
effect. And to top it all off, she's
non-faction--so she can be used in any deck
without a recruiting penalty. Plus you can start
the game with her and make things difficult for
your opponent early on. As long as you don't
send her into the Search Party, she's only
vulnerable to a few cards that attack people in
the Main Phase or force you to assign a certain
character to the Search Party.
I give Lyra, Budding Talent a 4.5 out of 5.
The Frost Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist TCG