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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

ffseriesfan |
Lyra, Upstart
6 cost
Lyra gets +1 to each attribute while she has an
A rare from premier… and an excellent one for
alchemy decks.
Being factionless she can fit into any deck,
even decks that don’t revolve around alchemy.
Excellent stats for a 6 cost since you can play
Alchemist Showdown on her for free and being
able to recruit her the 1st or 2nd turn can
definitely give you a huge advantage with field
presence. With her effect, you can attach
anything and she’ll get +1 to everything.
So, attach an antique armor which would normally
give her +1 to strength, but now she’ll get a
+2/+1/+1 boost. This also applies to other
attachments that don’t have stat boosts (like
Trusted Advisor).
The only big drawback that I can see is that…
she has no faction so she can be targeted by By
the Order of the Fuhrer, but you can always
cancel that with Cage.
Also, her strength is a little low, but like I
said earlier, her alchemy is high enough for her
to use Alchemist Showdown for free.
Definitely a solid card which any deck can use,
but I think she shines the most in alchemy decks
with her high alchemy and fantastic effect.
Rating: 4.25/5
An awesome rare, can be used in any deck, but
definitely makes a difference in alchemy decks.
Lyra, Upstart
Too bad that card won't see much play is Budding
Talent is a starter, which will happen a lot.
Attaching a simple automail will boost her stats
like crazy, and Winry mechanic in Elric faction
decks will help defeat almost anybody in the
game. She is situational and she is mainly good
in alchemy decks. You wouldn't really want to
risk the chance of battling and losing her
because her cost would cost you an entire turn.
Make sure you can win a battle while using her.
The Frost
Alchemist |
Lyra, Upstart
6 Cost--Non-Faction
3 Strength--4 Wits--5 Alchemy
"Lyra gets +1 to each attribute while she has an
Stat Wise: Not bad for a 6 cost ally.
Effect Wise: Well, it's a very cool effect once
you attach something to Lyra. EE and equip her
with a Pistol to make her a 6/5/6. Or if Alchemy
is your thing, EE and equip her with Alchemist's
Gloves to make her a 4/5/8.
Even though you have to EE in order to equip her
with just about anything worth while, it's worth
dropping 1 card from your hand to make her one
of your strongest allies.
The Downside: You have to attach something to
her to get her effect. Also, due to the layout
of her stats, she screams "Put me in an Alchemy
While you can equip her with a Pistol or Lab
Gear to make her useful for Strength or Wits,
that leads back to having to equip her with
something in order to make full use of her.
Final Word: Overall, this is a very useful ally.
She's non-faction, not a Hero or Villain, and
only 6 cost. However, while any deck can use
her, she's
most useful in an Alchemy deck.
I give Lyra, Upstart Alchemist a 4 out of 5.
The Frost Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist TCG
obiwan_kenobi56@hotmail.com |