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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Xeverex18 |
Sneak Thief
This card is a another tricky card from the
first set. It can become very useful if you
catch your opponent off guard. If you get this
card's effect off, you have a +1 field advantage
over them. Plus if you opponent run attachments,
he probably would not play attachment
destroyers, and this will make you very happy.
There are so many things this card can be used
on. Most decks do play attachments. Look at your
opponents face if you steal their stray kitten
and attach it to your leader. They will never be
able to get again. Thievery.
What's bad bout this is that this card is
situational. You can be holding that card for
ages if your opponent doesnt have a good
Let's just say
that your oppont has an Armstrong Family Gloves,
I have a Scar - Alchemist Hunter and this card,
enough said. . . All jokes and dream moves aside
though, I think that this card is pretty solid,
I think that this is a 1 of sort of staple
unless things like father cornello's chaingun,
Armtrong family gloves, mark of the ouroboros,
and red water are popular in your area, in which
case these might be a little harder to come by.
. .
In equip heavy format 4/5
normally 3/5
The Frost
Alchemist |
Sneak Thief
5 Cost (Wits)
"Main Wits 5: Move target attachment from one
character to another character."
The Rundown: A great card indeed! Say your
opponent has a Spear equipped on one of his
Alchemy allies or a Father Corenello's Chain Gun
equipped to his leader. Well, with Sneak Thief,
their attachment becomes your attachment!
Why waste cards destroying their attachments
when you could take them from your opponent?
The Downside: 5 Wits is fairly expensive.
Homunculus, Elric, and Military (with Hakuro in
play) shouldn't have too much of a problem
playing this card. However, Rebel decks are
usually all about swarm Strength and leave Wits
at the door. Unless you play out of faction for
Rebels, you won't be able to play this event
easily until level 3.
Final Word: An all around useful card, Sneak
Thief should probably be considered for your
deck (unless you play Rebel).
I give Sneak Thief a 4 out of 5.
The Frost Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist TCG