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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Raw Firepower
This card makes the rebels fight in strength
even more. Why? Because that's what they do. You
can play this at any level and probably still
get a recruit. So if you ask me its just another
great strength fight for rebels.
Raw Firepower
I can definately see potential in a strenght
deck using this card. As a matter of fact, you
can take out three test of might and put three
of these guys in. It does not cost much, its
effect is easy to use, you can use it once per
If this card does not get destroyed, a playe can
get major advantage. You can assign to wits and
alchemy battles and might even end up winner
with no alchemy or little wits. If 1/2 your deck
has characters of 7 or more strenght, you might
want to put 1 or 2 in your deck.
Raven DarK |
Raw Firepower
2 Cost
Raw Firepower can only be played if your leader
is a Rebel factioncharacter.
Battle Strength 7: This battle becomes a batle
of strength.
Today we kick it off with advantage week. Today
is Raw Firepower, this advantage has a unique
once per a turn test of might. With all the new
advantages comming out, this goes well with your
rebel deck. A free once per a turn test of
might, with no hand lost makes this an
outstanding card. Your opponent may forget about
also as advantages are fairly new. Overal this
can really turn the tide for a mob deck who's
strength relies on strength battles.
Overall 3.5/5