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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Darktaro |
We wrap up this
week of Seven Deadly Sins leaders with a look at
a leader who has needed some love ever since the
debut of Level 4 leaders and that is Psiren.
Many people were sad to see that as of Alchemist
Gate all the older leaders got Level 4 versions
except for Psiren (well and Sloth too but that
will have to wait for a later time). Now all
Psiren fans can rejoice and have something to
level out of Level 3 with! Since this is the
only level 4 for Psiren it's a no brainer it
should go in a Psiren deck so it automatically
gets a 5/5 for constructed purposes, so today's
rating's will change a bit. Now let's take a
look at what exactly you can do with this
Psiren's level 4 boasts some nice stats that
will be able to help you out no matter what
battle you are fighting at although usually for
Rebels that means strength and alchemy. Her
ability in among itself is actually pretty
useless, aside from fighting Homonculus decks,
there are virtually no ways that your characters
can set themselves. So this of course forces you
to put in some cards that will work with this
effect. Cards like, Challenge the Sun, Catch the
Train and Pomato work really well with her
effect. In fact playing 2 Pomato's drawing 6
cards then resetting everyone can be very huge.
Realistically speaking however, most games you
play will never reach level 4 so unfortunately
you will probably never see it in a competitive
play environment. But in a casual play
environment with cards such as Sidetracked and
Shared Experience it may be a bit easier to get
to level 4.
-Great combo potential
-It's a Psiren Level 4!
-Most games will never reach level 4
-Will still take you an extra turn to use her
ability since it costs an experience to use.
Casual play:4/5 Run low point locations and
experience gaining cards to get to level 4.
Competitive play:1/5-So inconsistent that you
will ever reach level 4.
Haven |
Psiren, Smooth
12 Command
Level 4
7 / 9 / 8
Quick Wits: 3
Main Alchemy 1exp: Reset all of your allies.
What a beast. Normally I don't like level 4s,
but this one has a nice effect. I used to hate
level 4s because they were normally just beef
with a mediocre effect. Also, most games don't
last more than 8 turns, especially in a
tournament atmosphere. However, even if you are
only able to play it once in twenty games,
there's no reason not to run one if you have
Anyway, back to Psiren. This leader is screaming
for Catch the Train. Not only can you play it
for free, but you can then reset the two big
allies you sent to use in the next search phase.
The two big downsides to her effect are that it
requires an experience to use and that it
doesn't reset Psiren herself. This effect would
have been a lot better with a discard cost
instead of an experience cost so that you could
use the effect the same turn you leveled up.
Still, she's good for a level 4.
Rating: 3.5/5 (Level 4, Beefy Stats, Reset