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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Zolf J. Kimbly
is a bad guy, no doubt about it. He helps the
villains for the simple pleasure of being able
to kill people. He creates bombs by rearranging
the organic structure within humans.
This ally is not a good one in most cases. Frank
Archer is the only leader who should run him,
mainly because its a 1 turn drop for him. Other
than that there is the 8 command unaligned Zolf
J. Kimbly that would be far better suited for
most other military decks, and he is also NOT a
villain. The only other deck that can use him is
a Duelist deck, because he gets a boost from all
State Alchemists.
In sealed, he is a little more useful and far
easier to include in a deck. In constructed, you
use it in two specific decks, that's all.
Sealed 5/5: Turn one drop for any 6 command
leader and all 5 command military leaders.
Constructed 1.5/5: He's useful in 2
Charstar |
Zolf J. Kimbly,
the Crimson Alchemist, and one of the most
villainous State Alchemists.
Kimbly's alchemy is typically an explosion, and
Kimbly's favorite alchemic component is the
flakes of metal inside of the human body. Using
the sulfur, he rearranges the molecules....
Ok, enough droning about the Crimson's alchemy,
and on to the card.
This ally is very very solid. As a villain in
the military with a Battle based ability, he is
a lock for many Frank Archer decks. Besides
this, a lot of Mustang decks that don't use the
8-command Friend of the Fallen will also run
this Archer. Basque is a lock, because assuredly
a Pendant is floating around to help the Crimson
Alchemist and Roy Mustang, State Alchemist pull
off their powers.
It's too bad Kimbly can't be played in Hughes or
They'd both like to abuse this cards power.
4/5 - Sealed - This guy is a huge abusable
Drop him on level 1, ditch a card to the
ability, and watch your opponents squirm.
4.5/5 - Constructed - Typically, in constructed,
your deck will be able to help you use all of
your allies'
key abilities for free, so Kimbly gets even
Drop him and Hakuro and you will allow yourself
the power of a 6/5/5.
the Crescent Moon Alchemist
Jared Harmon, Crescent Moon Alchemist
State Alchemist, Connersville, Indiana
"Sanest choice in this insane world...
Beware the beast, but enjoy the feast he offers"
- Nightwish, Beauty of the Beast
Darktaro |
This week is
State Alchemists week! And unfortunately since
Joyride has yet to release "The Pai Gow
Alchemist" card, we'll be looking at cards that
actually exist. Today we'll be reviewing, Zolf
J. Kimbly, The Crimson Alchemist. Kimbly has
been a very interesting ally that just can't
seem to keep his allegiance. He has gone from
military to homonculus to unaligned to rebel and
back to military all in a span of 3 sets. This
is one of the 2 military allies that are
currently out.
First thing about this card is it is a 5 cost
which is great since I think Military really
lacks the presence of good solid, low cost
allies. What this means is, outside of a Hughes/Liza
deck, any military leader can play this card at
level one. It's stats are a little low being
only a 3/2/4. Even with Hakuro out it only
brings it up to a 4/3/4. Maria Ross for the same
cost is a 4/4/0. Does having the extra alchemy
help out? Well against non-alchemy decks it can
be a threat early game, of course against pure
alchemy you will most likely be on the losing
end on it. However, the extra alchemy defintely
does help out for goal winning, Youswell Inn and
Aquaroya Hospital come to mind here.
His ability helps bring him up to a 5/4/4 (6/5/4
with Hakuro) if you are willing to EE the card
for the cost. However since it can only be used
once per turn he'll usually help you win one
battle than just get killed afterwards. In
sealed, he become much more useful as lower cost
allies can be hard to come by. Overall if you
need a good low cost military ally he does the
job fairly well.
-Cheap cost
-Alchemy for goal winning
-Hero leaders need not apply
-Pitching cards for his effect is not always
Sealed:4/5-Much better in limited format
Constructed:3/5-He's good but play the higher
cost ones if you can.