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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Charstar |
Alex Louis
Armstrong, the Strong Arm Alchemist review
"This technique has been passed down the
Armstrong line for generations."
Armstrong usually makes this rant before showing
off his spectacular powers. Dashing, drawing,
punching, splitting wood, alchemy. No matter
what it is, it has been passed down to Alex
through a long line of his family.
Toughness is quite obviously an Armstrong family
trait, as the State Alchemist titled Armstrong
Toughness:2 as his ability.
This version of Armstrong was released in
Blood&Water, and was one of the first cards to
show off the power of Toughness.
And, as a 6/3/5 for nine, this Armstrong is
very...lackluster. You are better off running
4/4/4 Strong and Beautiful.
2/5 - Sealed - As a 9-cost ally, ALA won't see
too much play.
1.5/5 - Constructed - A bit hard to swallow the
low stats in this format.
the Crescent Moon Alchemist
Jared Harmon, Crescent Moon Alchemist
State Alchemist, Connersville, Indiana
"Sanest choice in this insane world...
Beware the beast, but enjoy the feast he offers"
- Nightwish, Beauty of the Beast
Darktaro |
Today's State
Alchemist is Alex Louis Armstrong, The
Strong-Arm Alchemist. It seems my reviews have
been quite lengthy lately, however there is not
much to say about this version of ALA. At 9 cost
he is quite an expensive ally but do his stats
and ability make up for it? Sadly it doesn't. A
6/3/5 in a military build is pretty weak when
you are dropping 8 cost characters for 7 and 8
strength. His 3 wits is a joke for a 9 cost and
his 5 alchemy while nice is not used too much in
typical military builds.
Some good points of this ally? His toughness
does help out by only being able to be defeated
by 8 strength and 7 alchemy characters (We won't
even factor his wits into this equation since
they are so low). And if you combo him with Kain
Fuery, Master Sergeant or The Brigadier General
he can be dropped with an 8 command leader.
Ultimately however for 2 less cost you can drop
his Strong and Beautiful ally which while at
less stats, has such superior abilities.
-Toughness makes it a bit harder to kill off
-It is now possible to drop him at level 2 (it
wasn't when this card first came out)
-It's ALA! (which is always a pro in my book)
-Still too high of a cost
-Pathetic stats for his cost
Sealed:1/5-Good luck trying to play him.
Constructed:1/5-Strong and Beautiful is just so
much superior by comparison.