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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Darktaro |
We round off
this week with a look at Pride, Fuhrer King
Bradley. This is his 7 command version so let’s
take a look at how it stacks up to his 8
command, Supreme Commander. Both leaders revolve
around Shadows but whereas with Supreme
Commander you’re more inclined to go strictly
Shadow with a mix of both Homonculus and
Military, Fuhrer King Bradley has the option to
stick with a good mix of just Military Shadow’s
and non-Shadows.
To get Fuhrer King Bradley’s ability off you
need 3 Shadow allies in play. From the start of
the game you can easily get 2 Shadow allies into
play with Bound Soul, Hakuro Dark Ambition, or
Chimera Squad so getting the third Shadow ally
into play should not be a problem. Once you get
all 3 down that’s where the variety can start
with allies. You can run all the good 8 cost
Military allies such as Vato Falman, Warrant
Officer, Veteran Alchemist, Military’s Elite,
Kain Fuery, Master Electrician, you can even run
King Bradley, Always on Duty. On top of that you
can run 9 cost Military allies as well, you can
play Roy Mustang, Playing the Game or Kimbly,
Master of Destruction.
A few downsides with the deck, you do lose a bit
of control by not running fully Shadows, and
some of your Shadow allies also lose a bit of
usefulness since most of their abilities affect
Shadow characters only. In particular two Shadow
allies become a bit harder to play. Spotters,
Forward Observers, costs one more for each
non-Shadow in play, so he may become more
difficult to play as the game goes on. Envy,
Shadow also becomes less effective losing
attributes for each non-Shadow in play.
So in comparison to a Supreme Commander deck, a
Fuhrer King Bradley deck will typically be more
beatstick-y and focused around aggressive
battling, battle pumps and drawing with Vato,
Warrant Officer and King Bradley, Always on
Duty. Just make sure you have some way of
dealing with Proper Training, because that will
shut down your deck in a heartbeat.
Sealed: 3/5-Not bad in Sealed as there are
plenty of soliders to go around.
Constructed: 4/5-A bit more setup than his 8
command, but still effective.